Losing one, and losing you

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Matt walked up to his brother, taking a deep breath. "Bro, I have aids. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

Hearing those words, broke Jeff's heart. "You have aids? How? From who?" Jeff asked as his heart began to race. He began to think of what it would be like without his big brother. "No Matt, please tell me it isn't true."

Seeing his brother's eyes begin to tear up, he didn't want to see him like this. "Jeff, I'm sorry. I didn't know how else to tell you."

Jeff didn't like what his brother said. His heart now had to battle two losses. One being Ken just up and leaving him, now finding out that there was something wrong with his brother, he didn't know if his heart could take anymore. "Matt, why would you do this to me? You hurt me, I'm your baby brother. Why would you get aids, especially from a low life bitch like her!" Jeff yelled as he ran in his house, slamming the door behind him.

Matt sighed watching his brother run into the house. He would have went after him, but Jeff locked the door behind him. "Jeff, I'm sorry." Frowning, Matt walked back to his place. His head hung low walking back to his place.

Inside Jeff's place, Jeff curled up on the sofa. "First Ken, now my brother is going to be taken from me. This can't be happening." Tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't stop them from falling. "I have no one left!" He yelled feeling broken.

Back outside, Matt made it to his place and just stood there thinking. Why was his brother acting this way? Why did it seem that he wasn't trying to be comforting. There had to be a reason, Matt was going to find out.

Turning around, Matt headed back to his brothers place. He had to try and explain it again. Reaching the door, Matt knocked on the door waiting for Jeff to answer. Not hearing him come to the door, he assumed that Jeff was sleeping. That was until Matt heard crying. A sigh escaped his lips as he hated his brother crying. "Jeff, I'm sorry." He spoke as he turned, walking away from his brother's house again.

Jeff kept crying until he couldn't cry anymore. His face was turning red. He took a few deep breaths, not able to relax, he remembered he had some Hydrocodone hidden in his house. Getting up, Jeff found his stash and began downing it.

After Jeff downed five pills, he went to eat something. Rumaging through the fridge, Jeff spotted some cold pizza. Pulling it out, Jeff heated it up in the microwave. When it was heated, he pulled it out and began to eat it.

When Jeff was done eating, he felt like he was going to puke. He got up and ran to the bathroom, soon puking in the toilet. He thought that it was his stomach, not the pills he downed.

After puking up food, Jeff went to lay down to see if that would help his stomach settle. When he did lay down, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Jeff slowly fell asleep. He began to moan in his sleep. He didn't know that he was slowly dying. Jeff slowly fell into a coma like state.

Matt had gotten home and walked into the house. He ran into a crying Reby. "Reby, what happened?" Matt asked, holding the sobbing Reby in his arms.

Reby kept sobbing, looking at Matt. "I have AIDs, not you," she kept crying, trying to get Matt to comfort her, but he pushed her away from his body. "Matt, what are you doing?"

Looking at a crying Reby, Matt pushed the hair out of his face. "Because of you, my baby brother is upset. I have to go calm him down."

Before Reby could say something, Matt was out of the house and running back to his brother's place.

Making his way to Jeff's place, he ran into the front door looking for his brother. "Jeff! I don't have aids!" He yelled, seeing Jeff laying down on the sofa with his eyes closed. He thought Jeff was just napping. "Jeff? Wake up bro." Matt waited, not getting a response, Matt began to panic. "Jeff?" He asked as he tapped his face. Getting no response, he called 9-1-1. His heart was racing as he waited for help to arrive.

Just before help had arrived, Matt had spotted a bottle of pills. He picked the bottle up, reading what it was. Seeing that it was Hydrocodone, Matt nearly flipped out. "How could you?" He asked as he opened the bottle, seeing there were only three pills left. He closed the bottle and set it back down.

Medics ran in, attending to Jeff's limp body. One began to question Matt what happened. He took note of what Matt said. Then the medics ran Jeff out on a stretcher. The one medic asked Matt if he wanted to ride with his brother to the hospital.

Matt shook his head. He couldn't go to the hospital with his brother. He was really mad at him right now. The medic told him what hospital he was being taken to. Nodding his head, Matt went to sit on the sofa.

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