Chapter Two: Six Years Later

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Rachel awoke with shock. That nightmare tortured her in her sleep, especially since she was so young at the time. Her exicited mind started swimming with memories of what had happened after her dad was dragged away.

During her little chat with Luke, Rachel couldn't help but stare at the werewolf carcass, which other members of the CPU, the secret organization that protected the people from the demons on earth, were testing on. After the conversation, Luke explained that he and his team members were going to take her to the CPU headquarters, which caused Rachel to throw a tantrum. She didn't trust Luke at this point and wasn't willing to let him screw anything else up.

Eventually, it took the other members of the team to persuade Rachel that they wouldn't let Luke mess anything up. She still felt uneasy, but she had relaxed slightly when she knew that it was others that made a promise to her. Two men dressed  in black trenchcoats and sunglasses, Rachel then found out later that the glasses could detect hidden creature, led Rachel to a large black GMC terrain and helped her up. One of the men, Ralph, tended the little girl's wounds as the other man, Greg, craddled her as she fell asleep.

After a few hours, Ralph heard a  tiny wince and looked down to see Rachel, crunching herself up into a ball and burying her face in Greg's jacket. 

"The trees!!! Why do they look so scary?" Rachel wimpered through the jacket. "Where are we?"

Greg told her to just keep her head down until he said so. When he said it was ok to look, she found herself in front of what looked to be an old, abadoned stone castle. The stone had been damaged throughout the years and the gates creaked loudly. Greg helped the terrified Rachel walk up to the doorway where she saw yet another man.

He seemed more vicious than any of the others. His bald head was covered by a ranger hat. He too wore a black trench coat, but instead had an eyepatch over his right eye. His black jeans had chains attached to them. His black muscle top had tears in it, due from claws. His black combat boots thudded anytime he took a step. He looked no older than twenty-five.

"Who's the girl?" the man spoke in a deep and haunting voice.

"We got there too late sir..." Luke muttered. "Her father was bitten. She was completely unharmed."

Furiously, the man let out a startling groan. He shot his glaring eyes from Luke to the girl at Greg's side.

"What use was it bringing her here?" the man questioned.

"She claims that she wants to train to be like us." Ralph replied instantly. "She wants to fight."

"Are you serious?!" the man chuckled to himself. "At such an age? I don't think so. Don't worry little girl, we'll find you a place to stay."

He knelt down and put his hand on her shoulder, to which Rachel pushed aside angerly.

"I'm not a little girl, my name is Rachel." she pouted. "And I don't care what you say, I'm going to protect others from those monsters. Who do you think you are, the leader or something?"

"Actually, yes." the man replied proudly. "My name is Riptide, but you can call me 'sir'."

"Oh, good!!!" Rachel clapped. "I found the person who sent the men too late and caused me to get my daddy taken away. You stink at your job!! How many other people have you lost because of you? I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!"

"Watch what you say." Riptide frowned, glaring at her. "You're a fiesty one. Tell you what, I'll start training you after I send Luke on his way. You must tell me your full name though."

She looked from Riptide's eyes to Luke, who looked more pale by the minute.

'Rachel Isabella Persistance'

Riptide smiled.

"Alright, I'll call you RIP, standing for Rachel Isabella Persistance. That is also what you will say your name is if you go up against an enemy."

"What does RIP stand for? I see it on the tombstones in cemeteries." Charlotte looked up confused. "I don't want a graveyard nickname."

"Alright, we'll figure something out." Riptide chuckled.

Riptide then grabbed Rachel's small tender hands and they walked into the castle.

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