Chapter Four: A Call

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The day dragged along. After Rachel had finished her conversation with Riptide, she went to train some of the new-comers about the weapons and fighting techniques until noon. She then went  to  practice her attacks or research on monsters until she was call to dinner. Afterwards, she could tend to her personal needs until dusk, when many of the calls or missions occured.

It was now 10 PM, and Rachel sat on her bed, bored out of her mind.

'I simply hate the slow nights' she thought to herself. Usually, many of hunters were out  at this time on missions or protecting an area. There hadn't been a single sighting or call at all on this night. The hunters needed to stay on there guard in case of an emergency call from a citizen, usually notifiying the sighting of a monster, or a monster was close nearby to a house, and the people weren't aware at all. Rachel started feeling tired and began to doze off...

"Rachel? Rachel? We need you now!" a voice whispered. Rachel sat up, still half asleep. She rubbed her eyes to see Sean,  the call manager, shaking her and urging her to hurry. She gazed at her clock, which read 11: 15 PM.

"Rachel, we need you to hurry up, if you will..." Sean pulled her up and  began speed walking down the hall. "We just got a call from a 16 year old. He's at a party and he noticed one of his friends started acting very suspicious after he went to get drinks."

"Give me the address, now! I need to solve this case, now." Rachel spoke quickly. She followed Sean into the control room, where all calls and monster tracking took place. She grapped her daggers. Sean began throwing her multiple death weapons for different monsters.

"Pistols loaded with silver bullets, stakes, holy water, buzzsaw, grappling hook..." Sean counted, tossing each weapon over to Rachel, who caught them with one hand.

"And crucifix..." he finished, holding out a silver chain necklace with a silver cross charm. Rachel was hesitant to take it, so Sean put it on her.

"Just be careful alright? I do worry, you know..." he stumbled, pulling her in for a hug.

"I promise." she said, pulling away a moment later. "I haven't gotten hurt yet, and I don't plan to start now!!". 

Rachel pulled her black hood over her head and climbed onto a motorcycle. She started the engine and rode into the dark night.

After a few minutes, she arrived at the house. She cautiously hid her motorcycle in the bushes, not wanting to cause suspicions. She went to the front door and knocked. A teenaged boy answered.

"You're the one who called?" Rachel asked, turning from adjusting her gloves to the boy's face.

"Um, yeah. That was me. I'm Logan." he answered, reaching out his hand.

"Rachel, monster hunter for the CPU." she replied, grasping his hand and shook it. 

"What the heck is that?" Logan asked curiously.

"Creature Protection Unit." Rachel sighed, "We fight the monsters that were once believed to be Halloween tales.

"Wait you're a.... Is that really..." he started until she cut him off.

"Everything is possible, but your friend being attacked by a monster would be the worst that could happen. It may not be the case, but I know more then fighting monsters." she spoke sternly. "Now, tell me what's going on, if you don't mind please."

"Right. So, i decided to throw a  party because my birthday was yesterday. My parents weren't gonna be home because  a business trip, but they decided to let me have a party because of that. They both took a look at the guest list to approve who was coming over and had the neighbors come and inspect as soon as the party started. I only invited 12 people, including my best friend, Mike. Just an hour ago, I asked him to go get us some sodas from the cooler in the front." he said, pointing to a blue cooler on the side of the pourch. "He returned five minutes later, and he was acting all strange. He wasn't smiling like he was before." Logan looked up and noticed that Rachel wasn't taking any notes like a police officer would, but rather listening very diligently.

The Silver BulletOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora