Chapter Fourteen: Nothing Makes Sense

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Jack tsked as he smashed the walkie-talkie to bits.

"Pathetic." he chuckled to himself, his grasp around Rachel's neck grew tighter. "I expected these people to be on their guard. Your clumsy companion wasn't even paying attention at all when I grabbed him. However, that gave it away for you. It was all too easy."

Rachel's hands were clasped onto Jack's outstretched arms, but she wasn't struggling to break free. She just hung from his grasp, trying to act natural.

"Even if they don't come for me, I'll still get away from you." Rachel spoke calmly, trying not to show the fact that she was terrified.

Jack's face lit up with delight, as if he had been amused, but then shock spread all over his face. His grasp loosened and he dropped Rachel to the ground. He started scooching away from her, hiding his face. Rachel gasped for air but then looked at her father, confused.

"W-What have I done?" he cried, ripping his hair off of his head. "Rachel, darling, I'm so sorry! Look at what I've become! A blood-thirsty animal! I could've killed you, oh my gosh!"

"Daddy," Rachel stuttered as she took slow steps towards Jack. "what are you talking about? Why were you acting like that?"

Jack grabbed Rachel and pulled her down for a hug. He craddled her as Rachel rested her head on his arm.

"I don't know, but I've never felt like that before. I've always gotten my sanity back after the transformation is done for the month, but this time I've went......psycho." Jack responded. "I just remember before the transformation that you made dinner and Riptide pulled me aside for a moment."

"What did he want?" Rachel asked, getting suspicious.

"He told me that the scientists created a new vaccination to make the transformations less painful." Jack replied. "He gave it to me before you put dinner on the table."

"Did it work?" Rachel questioned further, her tone darkened.

"Actually, yes." Jack recalled quickly. "But there's no time to continue. I have to get you out of here, NOW."

Jack pulled Rachel up. He grabbed her hand and started darting down the hall.

"Daddy, what is wrong?" Rachel gasped, trying to keep up with his pace.

"There's no time to explain." he answered, constantly checking behind him and around corners. "Remember those visions that you received last night?"

"How could I not? They were terrifying." Rachel huffed.

"Well, some of them were inaccurate." he replied, trying to find the exit. "They were visions of the near future. It made it seem like it was my doing, but it's wrong. Someone is coming after you, but I don't know why. I need to help you escape before they find..."

Jack smacked right into Riptide and his crew after he turned around the bend. 

"Rachel, are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Sean rushed forward to help Rachel to her feet, but she was already trying to make her way to her father.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER YOU FILTHY RATS!" Jack screamed as he drove his claws into Sean's chest. "LEAVE HER BE!!!!!!"

He threw Sean aside, who was scrunching his face up in pain.Fire blazed in Jack's eyes as he turned to Riptide. He snarled angerily. Riptide reached for his hidden dagger and held it behind his back. As soon as Jack lunged forward, Riptide threw the dagger. It pierced the open wound on Jack's ankle and caused him to shriek angerily. Immediately, Riptide rushed forward and plunged a syringe into Jack's bruised arm. Rachel was paralyzed as she watched her father fall into a deep sleep.

"Are you hurt?" Riptide asked, rushing over to assist her.

"It...It doesn't make sense." Rachel mumbled under her breath.

"I know." Riptide knelt down and embraced her. "I'm sorry for everything I said. I'm sorry he attacked you. I'm sorry I snapped."

"It's alright." Rachel mumbled as tears pulled down her face. "But there's something we need to discuss..."

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