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We walk into their motel room and there is Dean waiting.
"Go ahead Alexa tell Dean what you told me"
I took a deep breathe "I'm an Indigo child, I see spirits and they can possess me, and I think that's what happened when I saw the crime"
"Well that must have been the ghost I picked up" said Dean.
"Alexa did your professor have any enemies?" Asked Sam
I shook my head "All his students loved him, but what I saw he was arguing with someone, they weren't happy about a grade or something"
"Did you see a face?" Asked Dean
I shook my head, "But I got a strange smell"
Sam looked at me "What was it?"
"A demon" Sam and Dean said looking at each other. Just then an man appeared
I jumped and looked over and saw a man with blue eyes and dark brown hair wearing a suit and a tan trench coat.
"Don't worry Alexa this is Castiel, he's an angel"
"So everything that goes bump in the night, Angels, demons, they exist?"
"Yep" said Sam and Dean in unison.
Castiel stared at me, "I recognize you, your soul"
"I've never met you" I said
"Not your vessel but your soul..Brielle?"
My eyes glowed blue for a second then it was like I blacked out but didn't.
"So Alexa, is an angel too?" Asked Dean.
"No, she's a mix of a human soul and an angel, an Indigo, it's an angel who goes into the vessel as a baby so they fuse together"
"Does the human know? Asked Sam
"Generally no, not until the angel starts using their powers" I said
"Brielle you are an angel in training. You were supposed to stay In heaven" said Castiel
"I wanted to be down here with the humans like you, they only way I could do it is if I was in a baby vessel" I said
"You could have gotten both of us in trouble I'm your mentor"
"I know, but I just wanted to work beside you"
"You could have in heaven"
"Woah Cas, give her a break, she has good intentions" said Sam
"This is the first time I've taken control of the vessel, she's 20, she's old enough to know who she is"
Cas sighed "fine, but be careful, using powers too much and it will be just you in that vessel"
"I know, I'll be careful" my eyes glowed blue again and I was back.
"Guys what just happened?"
Sam, Dean and Cas all looked at me
"You have a human soul and angel soul in you which makes you an indigo, and I am your mentor" said Cas
I sat there in shock, not sure what to say, think or do. All I knew is that this is the day everything in my life will change.

(I hope you guys like the first six chapters, I worked really hard on them, if they don't have a picture of an outfit than Alexa is wearing the same outfit she was wearing in the last chapter)

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