Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Corey


Cat pulled the cork from the small bottle, and I nearly jumped back from the stench that issued from it. I probably should have been paying attention to the poor bloke I was holding down and not the smell though. Because the next thing I knew I was fighting a strong, irritated, and struggling young man. I pulled myself up next to his ear and yelled "I wish you would quit struggling and sit still!". 

It didn't seem to sink in at first but slowly the message got through his thick skull, and he settled down enough to talk with some semblance of civility. I looked over to Cat to see if she thought it was okay to let him go. She gave an almost imperceptible nod. I leaned forward over the guys shoulder and said. "Tell you what, if you think you can stay calm, and you tell me your name, I'll cut the tape around your wrists. How does that sound to you?"

 He nodded and said. "Okay, I think I can manage that. My name is Richard. Thanks for cutting the tape, my wrists were starting to hurt." He brought his hands around to massage his wrists, and stopped suddenly when he saw the blood seeping from beneath the silver duck tape bracelets he still had on. you could almost se it dawn on him that that was why his wrists hurt.

Cat shook her head and said softly. "Sorry about that, you were struggling pretty hard. if you will leave the tape on it keep the wounds covered until we can get you some painkillers and a bandage or two." She stood and offered her hand. "Hey Richard, do you know that guy? he was the one I was trying to help when you can up behind me." She asked as she pointed over to the still figure on the edge of the track.

"No, No, I don't think I know him, though I could be mistaken." Confusion seemed to crawl across his face. "I'll let you know if I think of anything though."

"Thanks man, no need to stress yourself over it I'm sure he will tell us when he comes around. Well, follow us up to the house and we'll take care of your wrists for you." I said as I pointed toward the main building.

 I walked over and picked the unconscious young man up and carried him back to the main house. "Cat could you open the door and show me the way to medical room?" As she walked through the labyrinthine halls of the house to the infirmary I noticed how she moved with a smooth grace. her denim skirt hung off her hips and went to about mid calf showing off her calves and mismatched socks. I couldn't see the front of her shirt but today’s had a huge logo across the back of a half crazed pig holding a fork and knife. and her hair was in a braid that ran half way down her back. I was so interested in the way she walked that I bumped into her when she stopped suddenly in front of a heavy oak door. the poor guy in my arms groaned and lay still again. "Sorry, I’m thinking"

"Yeah, and I’m Genghis Khan, nice to meet you." she retorts as I follow her through the door and lay the guy out on a cot that was set up in the corner of the room. "We'll need to go get the doctor. Fortunately our doctor was trained in human anatomy too."

"Why don't you do that I'll stay here with him till the doc gets here. If that alright with you that is."

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