Chapter 20

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I always smile when I walk along the halls in this part of the shelter. All of the offices are in this wing so they decided to decorate with walnut paneling on the bottom half of the walls and the top is a classy peach lending itself to the ostentatious air. The carpets are a plush burgundy with a swirling design that is only a few shades lighter than the background  giving it an almost ghosted look. The only problem with the idea is that these are very long hallways with several rooms, So it actually looked like a hotel was trying to look fancy. Although I will admit that the thin windows that ran the height of the door did lend themselves to the whole business air. Just not by much because the first thought that crosses your mind when you step into the hall is; "Wow, this person has a perfectly good office, in a hotel."

"Well Corey, as much as I want to go talk to the animals, I need to get to the Library and finish my research. If you follow me all the way there I'm going to recruit you. So I guess it's up to you are you coming or what?" I ask as I power walk beside him.

"Aw, and here I was looking forward to learning their languages." He says answering the little song joke I had used. "I guess I will follow you wherever you may go." He adds changing the song as well.

"I love it! Too bad we can't go poisoning pigeons in the park." I reply giggling almost positive he won't know the song.

"Aw, maybe we could have done in a squirrel or two." He says with a little pout as he opens the library door,

I just stand there with my mouth hanging open in amazement. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, has ever been able to continue when I use that song! “Well, if that isn’t a surprise.” I said shaking my head as I walk into the library with a little happy sigh. “Tell you what, since you won I’ll buy you supper tonight, anyplace you want to go. Just no steak houses I don’t get paid until tomorrow.” I says leading the way down the wood plank floored aisles. 

I looked up in awe at the high stacks that rise up on either side as we walk back to my favorite corner. The chandelier overhead is mostly green and blue bottles with a huge red jar over the main light in the center. I am about the only one that uses this corner so I almost always have the tables and floor stacked with the research project of the moment. My lap desk cluttered with my pencils and notebooks is usually set in the chair I’m using for the day. My notes touch on everything from the devotions that I write, to the mating rituals of an exotic bird from the Netherlands.

“Let me formally invite you into my corner of the library. This is where I usually do all my thinking so don’t mind the smell of fried brain cells.” I say with a blasé shrug and a motion to one of the uncluttered chairs in the far corner.

Corey nods and struts his way over to the chair and flops down in it with a sigh. His eyes drift closed and he smiles softly his face relaxing a bit as he raises his booted feet and settles them on the edge of the table. “I’m not too bothered by the fried brains smell but the ever present smell of irked cat is a little irksome. What do you do in this corner that gets you so mad all the time?”

“Oh, this and that. I do most of my research here and I also write the stuff for my devotional blogs here. That reminds me, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Do you go to church? I missed morning service but I wouldn’t mind giving you a ride for tonight’s.”

“Devotionals as in bible studies? That’s pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind the link for that. And yeah, I’d love a ride to church. I haven’t been in a long while. I miss going to church all the time. It was kind of a way to have something that we always did no matter what happened. I think the only time I missed church before I went wandering was the Sunday after I had my first shift.” He says thoughtfully his eyes still closed and his body relaxed as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

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