Chapter 15

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Chapter 14 Cat

It has been a few hours since I apologized to Barb. Things just seems to be getting more interesting by the minute. First we discovered that Richard is not as I thought a young shifter but he is actually a vampire half breed, so it looks like we have two of them here at the shelter. It is also looking like they might be mates. 

Though we aren't sure because not many half breeds have written what happened when they find their mates. That is mostly a crime on the side of the shifters, it was an unspoken rule that if you were a half breed you at least pretended to be a regular shifter and if you couldn't manage that we would kick you out of the state or drive you feral and dump you in the vampire side of the family. Thankfully around the time of the humans protests against segregation in America, we passed a law that protected all half breeds particularly vampire half breeds. So I think that they will be able to enjoy a long life in peace. 

The other weird thing happened when I walked back into the infirmary room to get Corey, I gave him a hug as a thank you for watching the comatose teen, and I could have sworn I felt a steady warmth, like you get when you lay out in the sunshine, passed through my entire body from where his neck brushed across my cheek. But I'm pretty sure that I was just mistaken because I can't possibly be mated to a wolf, let alone a pure blooded wolf. That and I didn't feel the other indications either. I need to go talk to Preston, if there is precedent for what happened then he will know about it.

"Mice!" I smack my forehead as I stop on my way down the basement stairs in search of Preston. 'I need to go make sure that Jason is alright. That and to see what the heck he got a bee in his bonnet about yesterday. Oh! and I have to see if he will be okay with us moving the duel back a couple days.' I turn around and head back up the stairs with a loud groan. '

No rest for the wicked huh?' My cat broke into my thoughts. 

"Well, apparently not.” I snorted. “How are you doing today?" I asked her aloud as I walked down the hallway.

'You know me, I'm pretty good. Though I hate having all this stuff to do.'  She whines dramatically.

"What are you talking about all this stuff to do? It's not like you have anything of great importance to do." I retorted waving to the people giving me weird looks as I walk past talking to myself.

'I do too!' She protests huffing at me.

"No you don't. All I've seen you do today is loan me your senses like you like you do all day, every day." 

'No, I do so much more than that. You should know this by now. You and I have been talking to each other everyday for the last, how many years now?' She asks rhetorically. 

"Sorry to say this but I don't know a lot of stuff that I probably should. As for us talking like this, I think, it's been, lets see, five years? Something like that anyway." I responded shrugging my shoulders.

'Yeah it's been five years, and for your information, I help you remember things, and I help you my calm down when you get stressed out so you don't blow your top as often. I also tend to talk to you during boring parts in the story so that there is something for the author to write.' She continued ranting a little as she ticked off each thing on her sharply manicured claws.

"Alright, alright, fine! I suppose I owe you a thank you now? And you know you aren't supposed to talk about the author. She'll get mad at you. Anyway, I'll talk to you later, I'm at Jason's room" I said as I knocked on Jason's door. 

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