Blood Rose

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2 years later a new rose had appeared many purple roses had studied it of course but they were shocked at their findings. The rose was located in the memorial grounds were the soil was said to be soaked in tears, blood, and revenge. Each time a purple rose would come near it they would experience three types of emotion: rage, sadness and despair. The rose was dark red while the inner parts of it had a light blue hue. Every time a purple rose would get by it they could see something dripping from it. Blood.

One rose was able to come close to it and study it before the emotions affected him. It was soon confirmed that the rose did such cry out blood tears and its roots were dug in deep of the dead bodies who have died in past battles full of hate and sadness. Since coming across such discovery they named it Blood rose.

When Queen Rosella heard of such thing she ordered it to be destroyed for she saw that if this rose was meant to be it would have rose back when the ancestral roses did. Before the purple roses could come near the rose to make sure that the rose could be killed safely, it's first born was born.

They were not what you would expect them to look like though. They were hunched, winged, sharp teethed beings their skin was thin to the point that you could see their veins. They had no hair and no way of telling if male or female for they grossly disfigured. The only sound they ever made were screeches. The purple were horrified if not petrified. As the creatures were released the guardian of knowledge appeared to see why the researchers weren't done yet, only to see the abominations. Once seeing them no questions asked that he had to kill them but before he could the rose itself started to transform as well. Shock in awe, a young man had appeared. His hair was a crimson red, eyes of the color sapphire, and skin of black. He looked like a teenager, an abused one at that. The only word that left his lips in a sadden yet powerful tone was "How dare you threaten kill my creations."

The guardian saw this as a threat no matter the age of the new born. Revealing his weapon of brass knuckles, he attacked. The new born never seen such thing before so mocking his actions he forged a human and attacked. Killing the guardian.

Covered in blood the new born looked up and pointed his finger at the purple roses who back away in fear and ordered the beast that had arose before him and ordered them to kill everyone in the area. Only one rose was able to escape from the graveyard and tell the tale. He called the new born the blood king and his blood army. After hearing such things the Queen sent all guess to their designated rose village to guard and protect same with the guardians.

This sudden precaution set a panic throughout all villages. The only thing the Queen could say was that this was war. The war had reigned for 4 years only 3 guardians remained: Death, Sadness, and Strategy. Many people were saddened especially the Queen Rosella for she lost her husband; Magic. With her people unprotected, she did the one thing she could do. She combined her powers with the remaining guardians' power. The attack weakened the blood king and his army, yet there was cost. The three guardians died and the Queen had major problems. Do to the fact that the future Queen and guardians were only six and had no training, the people grew even more worried do to that fact that they are no more but mere children. The people soon looked towards the churches life and death. Even they couldn't find the answer that the villages oh, so wished for.

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