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Villages destroyed, hundreds died, children of guardians still missing and might by died. This event caused such depression; no joy, no love, not even a single argument was made. Sadness couldn't even shred a single tear.

With the Queen still weakened and the Blood King with his regained strength, she didn't stand a chance Ryden; the blood King used it to his advantage. Using that last remaining strength she had, she ordered all rose villages to surround the forest that barracked the castle walls. Once there she place a force felid around thus making them invisible and making an illusion of the castle and placing it come where far. Doing this killed her, leaving her 2 baby girls motherless and the kingdom Queen-less for the time being.

With Ryden and his army of creatures thinking that they had destroyed the rose castle. The people were safe and protected but for who long. When the Queen died the force felid fell, yet the illusion of the castle still stood since the illusion was placed on plies of stone that somewhat looked the castle's structure.

After three years, the blood king made no attacks or sudden movements. The people slowly adjust back into their usual ways and tradition. The future guardians soon begun their training and the princess her duties in restoring her kingdom to its once former glory.


The people that were saved. Soon everything went back to normal, yet there was still fear of the Blood King. Slowly as the years past soon people of the new generation passed him as an awful story character to set miss behaved children in their place. Soon his attacks were soon passed as the aftermath of other battles.

The princess; Flora Evergreen Rain II and her sister Drop Melody Rain, as such as the other guardians lived in the castle walls; Jeb and Jamie, twins and guardian of strategy and happiness. It was the day that was the most celebrated event to mourn after the Queens recent death; the day to mourn was mostly for the guardians who have passed and the guardians who were still unfound: Death, Sadness, Rage, Toxic, Tricks, Life, and Love.

Joy was all around but when there's happiness there's depression. When there's peace there's always something to fight. Where there is life; death follows. An enemy is never truly gone tell they're dead.

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