Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As I pulled up in front of Sonya's home, the only description that came to mind was charming. The house was white with black shutters and the large front yard was surrounded by a white picket fence. The home sat on acres of lush green grass and was shaded by large oak trees. It was an old home, but it was well kept.

After studying the home another moment, I walked up on the front porch and knocked. A few seconds later Ethan's familiar warm smile greeted me through the screen door. "I'm so glad you came," he said, his voice ringing with a genuine happiness that reached deep inside me.

"I am too," I said back, doing my best to fight the weakening that occurred each time I was around him. Looking into his eyes now, I wondered how and if I would make it through the afternoon with my emotions in tact. I told myself I would just enjoy the afternoon and that everything would be all right. Somehow.

I enjoyed meeting Sonya's sons, Brandon and Seth. They were very handsome boys, both of them tall and lean with dark eyes that took on a look of amusement at any given time. Brandon was quiet and shy, while Seth was playful and outgoing. They were as different as night and day, but they were equally lovable.

I was absolutely taken with Ethan's father the moment I met him. Wyatt Greyeagle was one of the nicest, most charming men I had ever met, coming in second only to his son. Looking at him was like seeing Ethan in the future. His blue eyes twinkling merrily and his sly smile was contagious.

As Ethan's father shared with me his own childhood memories of spending time with his grandparents, I understood even more why their rich heritage was so important to them. I could also see where Ethan got his strength. When he told amusing stories of Ethan and Sonya's childhood, I could see where his son got his sense of humor as well.

The afternoon was filled with food, stories, and laughter. I was growing to love these beautiful people already and was beginning to feel like I had always known them because they made me feel so welcome. I didn't feel so alone anymore.

There were moments when I would look up to find Ethan's gaze on me. He never looked away when my eyes met his. He just continued to stare. Then he would smile and I'd smile back, trying my best to ignore the way my heart quickened with each upward curve of his sensuous mouth. When I suddenly began to wonder what it would feel like against my own, I immediately focused my thoughts elsewhere. Or at least I tried to.

While the men were out setting up for a game of horseshoes, I helped Sonya get the food cleared away and put the kitchen in order. I really liked her kitchen. The cupboards were white, the counter tops a rose color. But I couldn't help wondering how she kept them so clean with four children. That's eight sets of fingerprints to keep up with. After thinking about that a bit, I decided I liked the color of my kitchen better. Sonya's voice broke through my pondering.

"Thanks for bringing the brownies. They were very good, at least what little I managed to eat after everyone else plowed through them."

I laughed. "You're welcome. Next time I'll have to bring an extra pan just for you." I silently wondered if there would really be a next time. My thoughts and emotions went back and forth with that one.

"Even if I hid them, they would find them," she said with a grin. "They're like bloodhounds. They can smell chocolate a mile away."

"Well, we'll just have to outsmart them," I said and she laughed.

She opened the pantry and took out a watermelon and a couple of honeydew melons. Wanting to help, I got a knife from the drawer and took down a small wooden cutting board hanging from a hook over the sink. I smiled as I examined their family name intricately carved into the handle. Greyeagle. A good strong name.

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