Part 53|Quick retreat

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As i lifted the mask to shield myself, the blast of the fire made contact. The force sent me straight into the fire behind me and hitting the wall. As i made impact, the mask which i had used to shield myself was now covering my face. I felt it crack and witnessed it shatter before me. I dropped to the ground where the fire awaited. As soon as i made contact, i let out an agonizing scream. I could hear the faint panics and yells of the Creepypastas as they yelled my name. My skin felt like thousands of needles plunging into me yet i couldn't move. I sat there, helpless and slowly burning to death and i glanced upwards.

I felt like time slowed down, everything became blurred and my body became numb. The shouts became a blur with the background and i found my eyes slowly closing. I glanced to where Vasco was and saw him clutching his head, frantically yelling and flames surrounding him.

I felt something cold sway past me. Restraining to keep my eyes open, i saw the mask shattered across the ground and an ominous light emerging from it. It whisked around the room and the flames dyed down. Ask and must filled the air and a loud CLANG can be heard. The racing of footsteps coming towards me caught my attention. My eyes forced themselves closed whether i wanted them to or not.

"NO NO NO NO NO! COME ON! WAKE UP! (Y/N)! PLEASE!" I heard Ben's voice beg

My eyes wouldn't budge. I attempted to move and even speak, but neither of those happened either.

"WHERE DID THAT SON OF A B*TCH GO?" Jeff's voice yelled

"I'm not sure but we have to get out of here and fast, it doesn't look like (Y/N) can hang on any longer" Hoody said

I felt my body lift from the ground and a jolt made me realise that whoever was holding me was running.

"Sh*t, the place is crumbling from the fire" Jeff cursed

I soon felt my consciousness slowly slip away, last words heard were Ben's caring and soothing voice...

"Please (Y/N), be strong! We will make it, together! Just stay awake, please! Stay awake!"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as i soon became unconscious...

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