Chapter 06-jealous at first sight?

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A/N: hey guys, the pic above is your lovely cousin. Here is my chapter 06


Your PoV

I'm still at the cafe waiting for a customer to come in were gonna go home at 10:00 and i already tell my parent's that im gonna be late to home.

"hey Y/N can i borrow your phone?" andrea asked "of course here" then i handed her my phone, then she quickly gave it back to me hmm i wonder what she did "hey andi whyd you borrow my phone?" i asked , she smiled cutely "nothing" i just look at her , why is she so cute "andi stop being cute" i said then she chuckled .
Suddenly the door open and i heard a group of girls laughing me and andrea look at the girls and my eyes widen "woah" andrea said "oh my god" i blurted out. Its fifth harmony.....

Camila's PoV

We are inside the car to go to the starbucks , when we arrive there i quickly open the door, then someone caught my attention i look at the girl at the counter and i could tell she was really beautiful she just look at me then i smiled at her , then she looked at the girl besides her.

We all sit in a empty table . Tge girl beside her walk towards us and greet us then give a menu .

I don't get to look at the menu cause im busy staring at the girl . "hey camila aren't you gonna order?" dinah said "uhm.....what .....of course im gonna order " i said then quickly get a menu and pretend to look at it. "ill just have this" i said to the girl then she just nod . "hey andi mr. James called you" the mystery girl shout from the counter "okay, geez you don't have to shout just a minute" the girl named andi shouted back "so, andi is your name huh" lauren said then she smiled and shook her head "my real name is andrea she just gave me that nickname" hmm i wonder what's the name of the girl at the counter "what was that mila?" ally asked "she asked what is the name of the girl at the counter?" dinah said , oh i said that outloud "oh that's-" but before she could finish what she saying the girl shouted again "sorry girls i have to go,is this all your order?" but i dont get the name of the girl "yup thats all " normani said , andrea smiled then walk to the counter . She gave our orders to the pretty girl , wait......oh my god shes gonna bring our orders now i can ask her name .

Your PoV

Oh god they are here, they are really here . Andrea is the one that get there orders but she gave me the orders and tell me to serve it cause mr. James need her. When i prepared there orders what i need to do is walk there and just give there orders. Just simple be cool Y/N i inhale deeply before started to walk towards them . "hi" i said shyly "hello" they all said i place all there drinks at there table when lauren suddenly speak "your beautiful" she said "uh..thanks?" i said then look at camila who was glaring at her "whats your name beautiful?" she asked " names Y/N" i replied "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" i smiled while camila rolling her eyes what is her problem "do you have a boyfriend"lauren asked again "lauren can you please stop" camila said really annoyed "what camz im just asking" she defend "what if she doesent want answer it?" oh god they are really fighting " its okay i can answer it" i said then lauren smiled while camila look really pissed as in pissed "i dont have a boyfriend" then andrea go out of the managers office then walk towards me , i feel her hold my waist and all the girls look at us "uh, whats going on here" andi asked "oh nothing lauren here is just asking your friend" dinah said then andrea just nod then let go of my waist. I sigh then excuse myself and go back to the counter.

Camila's PoV

To said i was jealous of lauren yes i admit it i was jealous about her talking to Y/N . I take a sip on my capuchino frappe while taking a glances on Y/N, and that andrea girl i don't think she's just a friend of Y/N ...... Ugh why am i jealous i don't even know her i just met her.

When were done drinking our coffees web decided to go back to the hotel. I get up so the girls did
Lauren is the first one to get out and im the last but before i could open the door Y/N called my name i looked at her and waited for her to say something "uh, camila....can i....uh get your number ?" i smiled then nod "i,uh thanks." she said then smiled , shes so cute. "bye Y/N" i waved at her then she waved back.

Your PoV

I just got camila cabello's number oh my god "Andi,andi...guess what"i said excitedly "woah,chill there Y/N why what happened" andrea asked "i just got camila's number " i said "oh really, thats uh great" she said with tone of jealousy in her voice, wait why is she jealous?.

Andrea's PoV

What is so special at that camila girl she's just an ordinary girl.... I look at my clock wrist it was pass ten we can go home already "hey guys we can go home now" i said then they all cheered .

I pack my things , then walk out the cafe . I dont have a ride so im gonna walk today. I saw Y/N get inside her car , i really like her i sigh then started to walk when Y/N called my name "hey" i said "are you gonna walk?" she asked then i nod "come in im gonna take you home" i smiled but shook my head "no need Y/N its okay i could walk ya know" i said then she pout "come on andi its just now please" "only because your cute". I said then get inside her car .

Skip the awkward ride

We arrive at my place around 10:43 pm i hopped off the car as she did so. "thanks for the ride Y/N" i said she smiled then i was shocked at the next thing happened she just lean on and kissed me on the cheek "goodnight andi" i was blushing really hard i dont expect that.

She walk towards the door of her car and open it then she get in and waved at me as i waved back and she started the engine then drive away....

A/N: hi harmonizers wassup just made my chapter 06 i hope youll like if not then whatever. Haha



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