Chapter 3.

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       Flying towards my rock, I realize I'm crying. After everything that just happened, I'm really not surprised. It just pisses me off that my dad acts like he doesn't care about me. Deep down in his heart, he might have a sliver of love towards me, but it's hard to believe. As I'm running, I trip on a root growing from the ground and fall onto the hard, dirty ground. Sighing, I just sit there, not bothering to get up. "Why me? Why can't I just have a normal life? Is that really that much to ask?" I say as I start crying again. I get up, blood trickling down my knee, and start running again. The rock shouldn't be much farther, I hope. This part of the forest looks familiar, so it must be close. As I am running, I can't stop thinking about how much I hate my dad. "Maybe I should run away. It's not like he will care." My legs start to cramp up just as I spot my rock. I stop running and walk over to it, with a slight limp because of my fall. I wasn't looking directly at my rock, I was staring at the ground underneath my feet. As I look up, I scream. There wasn't an animal with razor sharp teeth, or an axe maniac on the loose. There was a boy. And he was on my rock.

            I'm screaming like somebody is about to kill me. I turned around, not knowing what to do, and ran. Before I know it, the boy is yelling after me. I didn't want to turn back. Why was he there? Nobody was EVER at my rock! I'm crying harder than before now, and can barely see. My eyes were getting blurrier by the second. I couldn't run anymore, so I just stop and fall onto the ground. I curled up into a ball and sobbed. At least a minute later, the boy runs over and stops right over me. "I didn't mean to scare you." he says, with a slight smile on his face. Now that I'm looking at him, I realize he is really cute, and quirky. Almost exactly like me. "What's you name?" he says, ignoring what just happened. "Cali. My name is Cali." I say, whipping the tears off my face. "Nice name. Im Eli." he says sitting down next to me. "I should really get home. I shouldn't even be out this late." I say, stumbling to get up. "Oh, okay. But we didn't quite get to know each other. Maybe you can come back tomorrow at around 4?" I was stretching out my ankles as I looked up at him. "Sure. See you then." I turn and star running back into the silent woods, smiling like an idiot. I have a feeling I will be seeing Eli quite a lot, I think to myself, running farther into the woods.

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