Chapter 4.

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                  As soon as I woke up, all I could think about was Eli. Just his name on my tongue made me shudder with joy. Getting up, I remember its Friday and I have school. I stumble over the piles of clothes on my floor. I should really clean that some time I think, but that quickly escaped my mind as I search for my jeans and Sleeping With Sirens shirt. Shrugging my skinny jeans on, I look over at my computer to see I have a question on I walk over, being extra careful not to fall and click on the question. "Why don't you dress like a normal person? Maybe if you did, you would get some friends. Just kidding, that's not possible lol." Great, questions like this again. I just ignored it and started towards the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth.

              After I attempted in looking half decent, I headed down stairs to catch the bus. It was just about 6:53. The bus should be here any minute. I rushed to the fridge to grab a water, gulping it down as I picked up my bag. That's when I realized. I haden't done my homework, I was too busy thinking about Eli. "Shit!" I said as the bus drove by my house without even stopping. Running out the door, I know there is no way I am going to make it to school in time. "Well, whatever. No school today." I mumble as I scramble back into the house. "What a great start to a wonderful day!" I say in a sarcastic tone as I walk over to the couch.

            "Nope. Nope. Nope, nope, nope!" I yell, looking through the crappy channels on the TV. This is what you get when your dad doesn't have enough money to pay for a decent television. I have been home for 2 hours now and I still can't find any shows to watch. I get up, walking over to the kitchen table. "Eli." I say with butterflies in my stomach. Through this already rough day, the one thing my mind could stay hooked on was Eli. I was meeting him at 4, but honestly, I didn't think I could wait that long to see him. With this going through my mind, I get up with one sudden movement. I walk over to my shoes and put them on. "Okay Cali, your not obsessed, just curious as to what this guy is like." I reassure myself, but I know that in my heart that is not what it was. I open the door, getting a whiff of the morning air. As I shut the door behind me, I turn and look into the woods. Eli. He might be there. Sitting on my rock. And that was just enough to make me bolt into the woods like I have done so many times before, except this one was different. This one, was about Eli.

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