11 (filler)

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Me and Aaron made our way into the standing part, as we had sound check tickets too. Some girls looked at me and rolled their eyes where as others were sweet and asked about Michael

"So are you guys like a thing or?" one girl asked and I didn't honestly know what to say. What were we? We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, we weren't strangers, I wasn't just any fan

I hope

Four boys come strolling into the stage, all holding a mic before sitting down on some chairs that had been set out for them

"How is everyone?" Callum asked the crowd of about 100 people, everyone cheered in return

"So this is the part where you get to ask us questions, so, who has a question?" Ashton spoke

Several girls screamed to get their attention and it worked

A girl with long brown hair wearing a blue and black flannel was picked to ask a question. A microphone was passed to her so they could hear her

"Hey, my names Alyssa, and my question is; if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

The four boys all thought hard before Luke answered with "Hello Alyssa, I'd probably eat pizza for the rest of my life"

"Yeah, same" Michael said, giving Luke a high five

"What about you Cal?" Michael asked

"Uhm, I'd probably eat chicken wings" he replied receiving a few cheers in return from the crowd

"I've thought hard, I think I would eat burgers" Ashton spoke. Suddenly, one girl threw a burger on the stage which he picked up and began to eat and said 'thankyou'

"Okay next question?" Michael scanned the crowd. The girl next to me held her hand high and began to jump up and down

To her delight, he pointed to her and said "the girl wearing the 'Clifford 95' jersey"

The girl smiled at me before returning to look at Michael, a microphone passed down to her

"Hey, I'm Sophie, and my question is, are you and Ariana Grande going to just date already?"

I felt a cold sweat start to form on my forehead and my legs began to wobble. What if he says he doesn't see that happening? What if he doesn't want me to be with him?

I looked at her and shook my head mouthing 'no!'

She smiled at me and mouthed back 'it's okay'

Michael saw me talking to her and the whole crowd were very eager to hear what he had to say about me

"Well I never expected to be asked about Ariana," he began sarcastically "but I'd say, me and Ariana aren't dating, I know that. But who knows, one day... it could be something more-"

He's cut off by a roar of appreciation from the crowd of people, I look around pleased; pleased that he said one day we could be in a relationship and pleased that the fandom accepts it

He catches my eye and shoots me a cheeky smile then starts to go slightly red. He mouths something that I don't understand and just shrugs and smiles

I felt like it was just me and him together; alone. Ashton scanned the crowd for the next question to be asked, he looked me in the eye but shifted his eyesight to someone near me... Aaron

"You there" Ashton bellowed in a Gandolf voice, amusing the crowd

Shakily, Aaron took the microphone that was handed to him and opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't; he was speechless

"I-I" he stammered. I squinted my eyes and prayed that he'd find the words, "I want to know if, you were able to make a song with any other celebrity, who would it be?"

The four boys looked at each other puzzled

"That's a tough one" Luke spoke groggily, rubbing his eye

"I know" Michael said, clenching the microphone in his right hand

"Who?" Ashton peered over his shoulder at him

"Ariana" he said slowly, his lips curving into a smile as he faced my direction. The urge to grin back and climb on stage and kiss him was unbearable. I need him...

"She's not famous" a stuck up girl in the front around my age said. She must've been a couple inches taller but she had a beautiful figure and she was, well, gorgeous

Michael looked at the girl in the eye before smirking at her and replying "Yeah, I suppose your right..." then he sat back, and without taking his eyes off her he replied "... probably the 1975 then, they're great guys"

"They're great, I've met them before" she spoke coolly not taking her eyes off Michael. His smirk still remained throughout the whole sound check experience...

My heart sunk. He was flirting with another girl in a way he has never flirted with me. I need him...

... now, before I loose him

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