Break Up

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When I got home from school that day, I grabbed a granola bar and ran to my room. I gotta hurry up and do this homework cause when my mom comes home I have to change my weave. Things would be easier if i could get a wig but my heads so damn bald that it would just fall right off in front of everybody! Anyway, I basically just have Calculus and Chemistry homework but I don't understand why I have Calc homework. I always finish all work before everyone....the teacher probably just wanted to give me some extra gra--Dammit! I thought I told Daniel not to distract me!


"Hey babe. I was thinking maybe you could come over to my house instead so I wouldn't have to pick you up."

"Daniel, i'm doing homework! And plus......I can't leave here early......."


"My mom needs me to do something important............just meet me at the party. I'll drive myself."



"Love you."


I know what y'all are thinking. Damn, she swerved the shit outta his ass! Well I don't believe in love till i've been with someone long enough. And i'm not telling him that for a long time!

30 Minutes Later

"Bahja!! Come down here so I can do your hair!" My mom yelled

I ran downstairs and grabbed a chair. When I walked in the living room there was weave EVERYWHERE.

"Mom, my head isn't that big."

"Just bring that chair over here so we can hurry up and do this! I had to custom color this hair while you were at school. It's pink with light purple highlights. Almost lavender."

"Thats gonna be cute!"

1 hour Later

"You look stunning Bahja!"

"You didn't miss any spots did you?" I looked in the mirror

"You won't have any bald spots showing, Bahja. Stop worrying!"

"You're right...well i'm about to go to this party. Bye mom!"

"Uh, what party?"

"I'm just going to Cascades! There will be secuity there. Nothing to worry about."

"I want you back before 10, Bahja!"

"10? Come on mom! You know i'm the best child ever! Pleaassseeee??"



"11:30. Thats final."

"Thanks mom!!" I hugged her and ran out the door

At Cascades

"Can I get 8 orders of Chilly Cheese Fries?" Zonnique asked the guy at the counter

"Damn. You pregnant?"

"No nigga! Just get me my shit!"

"What's wrong with you Nique?" Bre asked her

"Me and Rayan broke up again and i'm pissed off!"

"What happened now?" I asked

"I was telling Zoey I liked his shoes and Rayan got all mad and broke up with me because he thought I was flirting!"

"Y'all need counseling!"

"I don't wanna talk to that bum ass nigga NO MORE!" She yelled in his direction

"Lets just go back to the table.." I shook my head as we all walked over to where the boys were

At the table

"Damn, Bre. Nice ass." Jacob smirked

"Shut the hell up with yo busted ass!" I snapped at him

"Yea back off before you get yo ass beat." Chres agreed

"I was just playing, chill!"

"So Bahja....I was thinking....maybe we could go back to my place after this?" Daniel asked me


"Bahja has a curfew. In fact, we all do. And its already 10:30. Who wants to skate? Shall we skate? Lets skate. Come on Bahja. You're with me." Zonnique interrupted pratically saving me. She grabbed my hand and led me to the floor

"Thank you so much Nique!"

"Yea you owe me!"

"He always wants me to go to his house! Like he really needs to leave me the fuck alone!"

"Thats all he tryna do! Fuck! You need to breakup with him Bahja. He don't like you for you. He just wants whats in your pants."

"But I really really like him!"

"Do you love him?



"But when will I do it?"

"Tomorrow at school. Just do it when y'all meet at your locker. Try not to make a scene."

"O-Ok. I'll do it."

Whats gonna go down at school tomorrow? Is Daniel gonna show his ass? Will Bahja make it through the breakup? Will Zonnique and Rayan get back together? Probably lol


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