chapter 5

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Aj point of view:

I had to call paige amd let her know. I decided to text her
Aj: sooo i have some news
Pumpkin (paige): ooooo tell me!!!!
Aj: well roman may or may not have asked me to move in with him
Pumpkin : frigin finally! I love you guys but that took him for ever!!!
Aj: yeah yeah soooo coffee later???
Pumpkin: hell yes! And possibly some shopping!
I groan at that thought
Aj: alright. See you then
"Whats wrong babe?" Roman asked as he came up behind me. "Three words. Shopping. With. Paige" he started grinning "oh really now? When you shop with paige i usually end up with a wonderful treat" i blush a slap his arm gently "perv" "mmm but im yours" i smile softly "that you are. Just like im yours" i got on my tiptoes and kissed him softly. "Now move i have to get ready" " tease" he said pouting. I just smile and wink at him

And theres the new update! Let me know what you guys think ^-^

Love So True Aj Lee x Roman Reigns Where stories live. Discover now