chapter 12

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Roman point of view:

Well after Aj told me the news i spent the next hour just helping her calm down and relax with me. After she fell asleep I text Dean and colby.
R: well I found out what she wanted to tell me
C: good news or bad? Also don't tell me you broke up
D: nah no chance their way to into each other plus Aj's moving in with him
C: no way! Finally!
R: yeah yeah now if your done I will tell you
D&C: ok
R: they want her to do a love story line with Brock
D: ... did  not see that coming
R: no kidding I'm not to thrilled. We have to do something. Paul still owes us from when colby turned on us in the story line
D: true let colbs and I brain storm and we can all meet up tomorrow at your place
R: you just want Aj's pancakes but fine
C: yay pancakes!!!

I got off the phone and gently shake Aj to wake her up. She stretches like a frigin cat. "Mm that was a nice nap" she says with a content smile. "I bet so what do you want for lunch?" "Hmm wanna order pizza?" "Works for me" I get up to go call the pizza shop when I hear a knock on our door. "Roman you planning on anyone coming over?" "Not that I know of" I tell her and open the door when Paige barges past me with alica on her heals "we have a problem pumpkin" Paige says. Crap this doesn't seem promising at all. "What happened?" Aj asks. "Well love um how shall I put this um Paul knows." "Yeah that would be correct" I hear and new voice say and aj and I freeze. I slowly turn to see Paul in the door way. Well shit.

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