chapter 11

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Aj's point of view:

"So april what do you think?" Stephanie asks "um may i have some time to think about this?" Please say yes I really need to talk to roman! "I don't see why not take your time and let me know asap" it still shocks me how different she  is in real life. "Thank you!" Then I leave and now I have to figure out how exactly to tell roman about this....

Romans point of view: After AJ leaves I go to work out and meet up with dean. "Sup man!" Dean calls out when he sees me "nothing much I asked april to move in with me" he breaks out into a huge grin "it's about damn time!!!!" Just then I get a text from aj saying she has something to tell me. "Hey sorry to cut this short but I got to head out. Aj's got something to tell me and I have a feeling I'm not going to like it one bit." Why do you say that?" "Cause she had a meeting with stephanie today" he pauses "Yeah that doesn't sound good..." and with that i left and went home. "Aj? Babe im home" i call out "I'm in the kitchen!" I find her on the counter eating ice cream and take a moment just to take in how adorable she is sometimes. "So what is it you have to tell me" I ask as i lean on the door frame "well I had the meeting with Stephanie today, and she told me that creative has a new idea for me" Oh i know im not gonna like this. Not one bit. She takes a breath and says "they want to put me in a love storyline with brock" "that's funny babe but please tell me that's not their actual idea??" Her eyes tear up and go and hug her "Shh I got this i have a plan besides you know vince loves me and the boys. Don't worry" I tell her and start working out a plan in my head.

Hello everyone! I know your probably not to happy but I have finally come out with a new chapter and will try to be quicker with the updates!

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