I Wish I Didn't Love You

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Taehyung's POV

I didn't want to fall in love, I really didn't. It's just his perfect eyes, his angelic laugh, his ability to brighten anyone's day with one smile. He is just the most amazing human being I have ever met.

"Taehyung, stop day dreaming." Jungkook elbows me in the side, smiling cutely before staring at the angelic being laughing across the room. "You really like him, don't you?"

I sigh, "Yes, but I know he'll never feel the same way... he loves Jimin." I drop my gaze, slumping my shoulders.

Jungkook puts a comforting arm around my shoulder and slightly rubs my bicep. I look up and smile sadly at him. "I just wish he felt the same way, it would make things a lot easier."

I watch the beautiful man joke around with Jimin, frowning slightly at the way he touches him so much. He's always like that, showing his affection to the younger as if they're already a couple. It makes my heart ache.

At a certain point, I would've thought he loved me - he always used to be around me and was almost as touchy as he is with Jimin. Almost. But then, I guess he realized his feelings were not for me, but for the man who's just a few months older. Now they are attached with a one-sided love.

He's always happy when he's with Jimin, but there have been the few times where he ran to me, sobbing about why said man didn't love him back. Little did he know that I was wondering the same thing about him.

Why don't you love me like I love you, Hoseok?

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