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Yoongi's POV

I slowly open my tired eyes, forgetting where I was to see Taehyung's face inches from mine, my body on top of his. A blush creeps up my neck and I slowly untangle myself from him, getting up and looking back down at him. He looks so peaceful and I find my eyes trailing down his face to his lips. They look so kissable right now and he just looks so perfect. I find myself leaning down, my lips centimeters from his when I glance up to see Hoseok standing in the kitchen, his usual bright smile present on his face. Seeing him is just a reminder that the boy next to me is in love with him, not me.


"I think that you should confess soon." Namjoon says. We're in the bedroom, Namjoon sitting on the small chair beside my bed and I laying face down into my pillow. I grunt in protest and sit up.
"He likes Hoseok."
Namjoon smiles at me. "Have you noticed the way he looks at you? And I saw you two cuddled on the couch this morning. Have you ever seen him and Hoseok do that?" 
Yes. I'm not yet convinced that he likes me, but I can't help but smile. Maybe I have a chance. "I'll confess to him soon, I need to know if he loves me like I love him." Namjoon makes a sound of approval, smiling happily. I don't want to confess. He doesn't love me as much as he loves Hoseok. I doubt he has any feelings for me at all whatsoever. My smile falters and Namjoon looks at me sadly.

"You don't have to confess to him if you don't want--" he starts but I shake my head, silencing him.

I force a brighter smile. "No, I want to do this. What would I have to lose?" A lot. But I don't want to think about that. What if he loved me like I love him? Now my smile is real. We could cuddle every morning, I could wake up to his deep and scratchy voice. I could kiss and hug him whenever I want.

I get lost in thoughts of happiness until Jungkook opens the door, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Me and the others are going out for breakfast, wanna come?" He asks, smiling his usual bright smile. I shake my head, not feeling up to it.

"I'll go, I've been a little hungry and we haven't gone out in a while." Namjoon then gets up and walks to the door. "We'll be back in a bit." Knowing them, they're probably going to be out a few hours. When they go out they tend to stay out, roaming the streets and going to different places.

Now that they're gone it gives me time to think about the pros and cons on confessing to Taehyung. On one hand, he could accept me and love me like I love him, but on the other he could hate me for loving him, denying my feelings immediately. Or he could politely deny me, offering to still be friends and we could go back to normal, but I would have a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I guess there are more things good than bad about me confessing.

My thoughts are interrupted by my stomach growling loudly. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday and I'm starving. I should have gone with them I think with a frown as I slowly get up and walk out of my open door. When I get to the living room I'm greeted by a still asleep Taehyung on the couch. How can he sleep for so long without being woken up? I guess that since I'm already making breakfast for myself, I should make some for him too.

 I don't really know how to cook so I'll just make basic scrambled eggs. I take out all the ingredients (consisting of only eggs, milk, butter and salt and pepper) and get a pan out. I start cracking the eggs on the side of the bowl I'm mixing it in. I feel the need to rush so I can get it made before he wakes up and quickly bring the egg down onto the side, cracking it completely open and spilling it's contents all over the counter. I curse under my breath, cleaning up the mess quickly. I repeat the process, this time slower and manage to actually get the eggs in the bowl. I put the eggs onto the pan and sit on one of the chairs, messing around on my phone.

I sit there for about 5 minutes when I smell something burning. I quickly get up and stir the eggs, cursing my stupidity as I see them mostly brown, not the yellow I was expecting. I grab two plates and divide the eggs and plate them, giving Taehyung extra because I know he likes to eat. I turn around and see a disheveled Taehyung standing in the doorway, oversized shirt hanging low on his arm. My face heats up as he walks towards me, taking the plates out of my hand and setting them on the table wordlessly. He then proceeds to wrap his long arms around my waist and cuddle into me. I slowly rest my arms on his back, shocked and a little confused as to why he's doing this but also happier than I have been in a while.

We stay like that in silence until I hear him say in his rough deep voice "You made food". I chuckle, breaking apart and sitting down in front of my plate, already missing his warmth.

"It's a little burnt..." I mumble, embarrassed. I see him smile his rectangle smile next to me.

"It's probably good since it's made by you, hyung." And that short, nine word sentence probably made my entire year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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