Screw This!

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Izanami Pov:

I sat in Mr. Cats class watching Rue try to dance with 2 guys. Unfortunately those 2 guys were Fakir, and Mytho. In that moment I have never felt as sorry for someone as I did now. Rue was horrible!!

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Cat nod his head, as if he had all the answers. I turned my attention back to the sucky 3 person dance in front of me. I don't think anyone has sucked as badly as this before.

"Alright stop." Mr. Cat told them as the song ended for the 18th time that day.

"My decision is final. That dance proved it. Rue you will be moved to the beginners class untill you brush up on your basic skills. You will move tommorow." Mr. Cat told an exhausted Rue.

"But I'm Mytho's Partner!!! You can't just demote me!!!" Rue yelled. How she found the strength to yell when she was clearly exhausted....I will.never know.

"Izanami will take your place." Mr.Cat told her.

"Yeah, by my leaving she's the best back-up dancer here so of course she would get it." Rue said clearly trying to insult me.

"Rue, Izanami is meant for center stage. I thought you were aswell but your basic skills aren't up to par." Mr. Cat told her. Rue sat down defeated this was one argument she couldn't win.

Rue Pov:

I was angry. Mytho, MY mytho was gonna dance with this, this whore..Instead of me!!

"Stupid, whore, bitch, asswhole, and damn cat." I muttered angrily as I sat beside the bitch who made my life miserable since the day she came here.

Izanami Pov:

I was annoyed. Did she think I didn't hear her? When she called me all those names I snapped, and stood up. The action caught the class's attention. Unfortunately I didn't care right now.

"Rue, I'm so sick, and tired of you. You sit beside me everday, and everyday for the past few days, you've ranted to yourself, and blamed me for all of your self inflicted problems. You sit beside me, and rant, and rave about me like I'm the source of all your misery, of your problems. Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not gonna sit here, and act like I'm the cause of your problems. So instead of blaming someone else get off your high horse, and solve your damn problems, because your getting no where fast blaming everyone else for it." I told her trying to keep my emotions in check. I turned to Mytho.

"I'm sorry for insulting your bride to be, but she needed to hear it." I told him, I bowed slightly, and left the classroom to go vent. I left a shocked class, and an outraged Rue behind me.

Rue Pov:

Oh hell no!! I stood up, and went after her. I wanted an apology damnitt, and I was going to get one.

Third Person Pov:

Everyone was in shock, and when Rue went after Izanami they stood, and followed knowing that something was gonna happen.


End Chapter

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