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"Uh what do you mean by 'you could totally say that'?" He looked slightly confused as he held onto the picture. I walked towards him and took the framed picture before smiling at the memory. I put it back where it had been and turned to Nick who had his gaze fixed on me. "I mean that, yes I do know him."

There was a moment of silence. Neither of us spoke, we just stayed quiet.

"Like I've said, there are a lot of things I have yet to tell you about. And this just happens to be one of them", I broke the ice between us.
"So, what? You've been with him or something?" He asked, trying to sound a bit more casual.
"Been with him, as in dated him?" I clarified. All I got as an answer was a nod.

He looked even more confused as I started laughing harder than I should've. I had to sit on the floor so I wouldn't fall down from giggling.

"As adorable as your giggling is, I'd like to know what's going on", he chuckled and the mood lightened immediately.
"Nick, Eric is my brother", I finally answered while wiping off tears. His eyed widened again. "Eric Suave, is your brother?" "Yup", I nodded as I got up from the floor. "So that means that you're a Suave too...?" "Pretty much, yeah", I chuckled.

Just then my mom called from downstairs: "Sophie! Dinner's ready!"
"We better get going then", I turned to Nick before heading towards the door.
We walked downstairs and into the kitchen where we had a medium sized table for casual meals. Nick and I sat down while my mom was still bringing the food to the table. Nick had stayed suspiciously quiet and was actually starting to worry me.

"So how was your day?" My mom asked as she finally sat down with us. "It was okay. Hung out at a friend's place, saw Damon, came here with Nicky." "You saw Damon? The pretty boy?" Nick almost chocked when he heard my mom call Damon the well known badass 'a pretty boy'. "Yup the pretty boy", I chuckled.

"How about you Nick, how was your day?" She turned towards him and smiled kindly. She had always been kind to pretty much everyone. She thought that everyone deserved a chance to be respected in the beginning. If they turned out to be idiots, then the respect would disappear sooner than you'd think.
"My day was actually quite good, thank you. What about yours?" Nick asked politely, but still stayed normal. He wasn't trying to be extremely polite or uptight like some others have.
"Mine was also pretty good, thank you for asking", she smiled at him.

The front door opened and closed quite loudly, drawing all of our attention to it. Clumsy steps were heard from the hall, and soon we heard shoes flying towards the hall's wall. I sighed, knowing who it was.
"Eric the food is ready!" My mom shouted to him as he was about to go upstairs. His footsteps were heard as he came to the kitchen, stopping to look at Nick slightly confused.
"I was actually thinking of eating back at the rally", Eric answered after a moment. "Oh, would you mind taking Sophie and Nick with you as well? I doubt they have anything better to do, right?" My mom smirked at me. Most likely she wanted Eric to look after us so that we wouldn't end up hooking up or anything. Though mom always trusted me, didn't mean shed fully trust the people I hung out with. Especially if she didn't know them that well.

"I don't know mom. Plus haven't you always been against me taking Sophie to these kind of places?" Eric smirked, not wanting to take us with. I knew that if it would have been only about taking me with, he wouldn't have hesitated at all. But now when Nick would be coming along, he wasn't so sure about it.
See even though some gangs were under the order of the same man, they didn't always get along that well... For instance, the gang Damon was in, the Juga gang and the Reid gang weren't really in the best terms with each other for a long time. And still aren't actually. Eric knew that the more people from different gangs there were, the more fights there were going to be.

Eric sighed in annoyance: "Fine they can come. But I'm leaving right now so hurry up!" And with that he left the house. I heard him start his car and turned to Nick, giving him a questioning look. "You wanna go?" "Sure."

To say the car ride was awkward, would be putting it lightly. Oh gosh it was so awkward... All three of us stayed quiet the whole ride.
Eric had put Nick in the backseat and told me to sit in the front with him. I had gave an apologetic look to him before hopping in.
The whole ride I stared outside, looking at the houses and trees and at pretty much everything my little eyes could spy.

When we finally got closer to the rally place of tonight, we could hear the blasting music getting louder and louder and the bass getting stronger. I got excited. It was great to go out to places like these sometimes. Also seeing old friends was the best.

Eric parked the car and we hopped out. From the corner of my eye I could see Nick taking the place in. This had always been one of my favorite places to race. Cops would rarely show up to catch us and we actually got to be alone. Well as alone as you can be in a crowd of hundreds of people.

"Okay some ground rules for you two", Eric faced us with his voice all serious. "No funny business okay? No getting too drunk or high. Be careful, don't do anything stupid..."
I kept looking elsewhere as Eric made me face him, "especially you, do not get yourself in trouble or hurt!" "I get it Eric. We'll be careful, I promise", I replied and pecked his cheek. He immediately relaxed a little, a small smile growing on his face. "Okay little one", he pat my head "look out for yourself. And for him", Eric chuckled before vanishing into the crowd.

Nick and I started walking towards the crowd together. "So he really is your brother. He doesn't seem thay scary when you think of him as a big brother."
"Are you sure about that?" I smirked. "He has threatened to cut the balls of every guy that touches me inappropriately."
Nick's face flashed with terror, making me laugh. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

We decided to sit down at the outside bar that wasn't as crowded as other places there. As we sat down on the stools, the bartender came to us. "Nick, my man. Whatcha doing here? No offence but usually only the people in bigger gangs get to know about these once", the bartender commented with a smug look on his face. "Suave got me in", he replied simply. The bartender's face froze. "You got a Suave to get you in? Damn..." Only now did I recognize the bartender. It was Tommy Reider, one of the best mechanics in town. He was actually also in the same gang as Damon.
"Look there are four races set up for Suave tonight. I don't think he'll be able to take part in every one of them. So what do you say of stealin' one of them huh?" Tommy smirked.

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