Cars and education

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Nick's Pov

My blue skyline's motor sweetly purred as I drove it towards the school. I had got the car over the weekend from my parents. It being new, meant that I hadn't tuned the engine yet. I was planning to take it to Tommy this weekend. Tommy is one of the best mechanics in this town and since he's my friend, I always get a discount. Unfortunately Tom is in a different gang than I and he has to follow their rules, me being the leader of my gang gives me the right to make the rules for our gang. At least everyone in my gang are my friends, we are a pretty small gang compared to some others. In my gang there is Jim Bureau, Rick Carlton, Jesse Brawner and Kyle Sherrer -my best friend-.

I parked the car in my usual spot. As I get out of the car everyone looks at me-well they always do- a bit confused. Must be the new car. I always take my other car to school, but since I got a new one, why shouldn't I use it? A group of cheerleaders walk to me looking at my car. "Wow... Nice car Nick" one of them says fluttering her eyes. "Yeah it's like so cool" another one says biting her lip. "Thanks girls" I wink at them "I'd love to take one of you with me to ride it" I lie smirking.

That's when we heard another car's motor purr.

A red Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 pulled next to us, it was a beautiful car. I've always been interested in cars so it's easy to recognize them.

Four guys came out of the car. They all looked the same age, two of them had brown hair and the other two had dirty blonde. -I have really light brown hair, almost dirty blonde like-

"Nice car" the same girl that had talked to me first said "Nice? It's a beauty" one of the brown haired guys said, his brown hair was lighter than the other's. And I, agree with him, the car was a beauty. By now my gang had walked behind me, wondering who were they. I had never seen them before, neither had my friends.

"You new here?" one of the girls asked.

"We lived here about four years ago so in a way, yes" the tallest dirty blond haired guy answered.

That makes sense, we moved here about three years ago so that explains why we had never seen them before.

"Are you in a gang?" a blonde girl asked excited.

"Yep" the guy said popping the 'p' "And I assume you're a gang?" he continued looking at my gang.

We all nodded. "Your Cooper's gang right? And your Nick Cooper, am I right?" the light brown haired guy asked.

Before I could answer Jim was talking. "And you are?" he asked rudely. "Calm down dude. Were in Suave's gang"

Suave's gang? Their gang is a highly respected gang. They have a lot of friends in the highest places. I've heard that they throw the best parties, races, fights and battles. If we could get to know them and even be friends, that would mean that our gang would be more respected and known.

"These are Jim, Ricky, Kyle, I'm Nick." I said introducing everyone in our small gang.

"This is Max. Aiden who's my little brother and Scott. I'm Russel" the guy with light brown hair explained. Max and Aiden were the ones with dirty blonde hair and Scott the one with brown.

The bell rang and all of us went inside, though I don't think that their gang actually went to class.

I walked to the Chemistry class with Kyle and Ricky. Unlike us, Jim and Jesse had Math. We sat in the last row like always.

Our teacher, Mrs. Smith walked in.

-Shes about 36 years old- She put her bag on the table and searched for some papers, when she found the right one she started to call our names to make sure that everyone is there. -she's always pretty casual so she just calls us by our first names-

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