Education and punches

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Sophie's Pov

I slowly opened the door after knocking and walked in. Everyone was looking at me. As I walked in some jock coughed 'Nerd' and everyone laughed, well except a few guys in the back row. I lowered my head a bit and took a few steps closer to the teacher. "You must be Isabella?" the teacher smiled at me. I nodded shyly and gave her the note about me being late, after looking at it for a while she gave it back to me.

"Class, this is Isabella, she is new here. Now Isabella, could you tell something about yourself to the class?" the teacher asked me. I hate talking in front of the class.

"Like you already know my name is Isabella. I moved here yesterday with my family." I was interrupted by one of the stupid jocks. "Are you a nerd?!" He yelled and a few of the students snickered. "I'll let you decide that." I said and walked to one of the empty seats and sat down. A few of the students glared at me since I sat there.

I started taking out all my stuff, book, pencil case and the notebook. The teacher was explaining something about what we're going to do this year. I listened to her, but saw from the corner of my eye that the guy next to me was looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Nick! Are you being focused or not?" the teacher almost yelled at the guy next to me. Everyone looked at him, including me though I was just looking for my notebook. "I am now" Nick answered and half of the class laughed. I coudn't help myself so I chuckled a bit. Nick smiled, I wasn't sure was it because of his 'clever' answer or because of the fact that I chuckled. Probably because of the first thing, why would he smile at me? "This is the first warning Nick." the teacher warned him and started to write something on the board. I copied her text in my notebook.

"Like some of you probably noticed, we're doing some Chemistry projects in pairs. We will start doing them in the end of the week and you have two weeks to do them" the teacher explained.

I was kinda excited 'cause I usually do the best projects. I know I'm kinda bragging but it's true. The only part that isn't so nice is the fact that we'll be doing them in pairs.

10 minutes passed and the bell finally rang. I started packing my stuff and so did everyone else. I was one of the lasts to leave the classroom. I decided to find my locker now so I wouldn't have to find it later. I looked at the number, 478. I had no idea where it could be so I asked one of the so said "nerds" where it was. They told me to go straight and turn right, then to just look at the numbers.And that's what I did. I kept walking 'till I knew where it was. I walked to the locker and put in the combination but it wouldn't open.

"Puh-lease! She's like the other nerds in this school. Pathetic." I heard a guys voice say next to me. I recognized the guys from the chemistry class.

"Nice to know" I said since I knew that they were talking about me.

"What are you doing in here?" The guy said in disgust.

"Just trying to put my stuff in my locker" I answered not caring.

"Here" the other guy said and hit my locker a few times. I think his name was Kyle. "I once had that locker, it's a pain in the ass" he continued and smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled at him.

"Ricky here didn't mean it by the way" Kyle said, it was sweet. He was trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah I did" Ricky said in a 'duh' voice.

"I think he did. Thanks anyways. See ya later guys!" I said and left them.

I had Math next and found the class immediately but didn't go in. I texted my brother quickly.

Are you coming to school today? What are you doing? How many gangs are there here?

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