
10.7K 511 189

I feel it's necessary that I mention the boy's current ages

Harry: 19

Niall: 19

Liam: 19

Zayn: 20

Louis: 21

Yes people, Louis is 21! I bet Kylie is surprised

Louis is the funny and immature one, but he does not act like a frickin five year old


Also, have you EVER seen Louis wear stripes and suspenders on a casual day? Me neither! But aparently the author has, because that is what he wears. Every. Single. Day.

Your clothes are gonna smell shanasty if you ware the same outfit every day. Im sure you're not a cartoon that has twenty outfits that are the same

The author also makes Louis scream every sentence. He's gonna lose his voice and managment's is gonna be mad at you Kylie

And Louis gets tired guys. Even though he sings like a god, he is human. And humans need sleep. Except Louis. He never gets tired and basically runs on sugar. Im pretty sure fanfic Louis is a vampire then

And he does not cry when you do not give him carrots or whatever. He also does not cry when harry finds a girlfriend. 

"OMg gaise. i gott a gurlfren" Harri say

"No Harri, i thot wut we hav wuz speshul!!1!" Louie screem

Please. Dont tell me it's because you're a Larry shipper. That's not a valid excse. And Louis wouldnt scream that infron of Kylie. That would be rude. Kylie wouldnt apreciate it.

A/N Thank you guys so much! I am ranked 432 in humor and 838 in fanfiction! Im going to start giving dedications!

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