Relationships (Here we go...)

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                             can probably tell by the title, I am NOT looking forward to this. The relationships in fanfics are so dramatic and exagerated and bleh bleh bleh

So to begin with, I will start with 'when a guy cheats' because I think that is just....ugh

Ok so, let's say Niall, cheats on Kylie. Instead of being that stong, indrependent Beyonce that is waiting to be unleashed, Kylie goes for the clingy, boy-crazy, vulnerable Taylor Swift.

She locks herself in her room, sleeps all the time, doesnt shower or do ANY TYPE OF SANITATION ROUTINE YA NASEY, and she cries 25/7. Obviously Niall apologizes and she forgives him

*le disaproving head shake*

But when KYLIE kisses Liam, while she's dating Niall, it's suddenly okay because she cant "makeup her mind". And the boys are like 'oh ye chuse hoo chu want. I jus want chu to b happeh!!1!' 

Another thing that bothers me is that Kylie can call Niall idiot, dumba*s, douchebag, ect with him ending up apologizing, but when Niall simply calls Kylie 'dramatic', all hell breaks loose

Im sensing some sexism in here

Also, in some fanfics, Kylie dresses like a slut in crop tops and booty shorts and stilletos but everyone calls her a saint just because she dont know she beautiful, but then the girl who Niall uses as his 'rebound girl' or his 'ex' dresses exactly the same, she is suddenly a fake whore or 'bimbo'

What does that word even mean?!


Sounds like a character in Barney and friends

A/N Sorry for the long wait! I love reading your comments! Like, I started squealing in the middle of science class while reading your commenst because they just make me so happy! Had a really hard time choosing my favourite comment because I just loved them all, but I decided to dedicate it to @MeganMorse. Btw, tell your friend she is awesome ;)

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