The Last Goodbye

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108 years later....

Elrohir waited outside the gates of Minas Tirith.
He watched as Legolas rode up on a white horse with Haldir by his side.

The King of Mirkwood dismounted and approached Elrohir.

"How is he?"
Legolas asked; Elrohir could tell that he was trying to hide his emotions.

"He is not in pain. But he will not live for much longer."
Elrohir replied.
He didn't bother to hide the grief in his voice.

Legolas and Haldir followed him into the city, they were given curious, and also grieved stares from the people as they passed.

They entered the throne room and walked down one of the long hallways.

They found Eldarion standing alone outside of a closed door.
He was no longer a boy.

Tears ran down his face when he saw the three elves approach.

"He wants to see you Legolas."
Eldarion told him.

Legolas nodded and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

Elrohir shook his head.
"How can this already be happening Haldir?"

"For us, this day has come far too quickly."
Haldir replied, hiding his feelings better than the others.

"What will Legolas do?"
Eldarion asked.
For the first time in a very long time, he felt like a young child again.

Scared and alone.

"I know not."
Elrohir told him.
"Estel has been his friend for many years... Losing him will be like losing a brother."

All of them watched the door in silence.

None of them believing that this day had actually come.


Legolas quietly closed the door behind him.

His heart sank as he walked to the side of his friend's bed and sat down in a chair beside him.

"Hello, mellon."
Legolas said, trying not to sound grieved.

Aragorn turned to him and smiled weakly.

"Hello, Legolas. You have not changed at all."
"The same cannot be said for you."
Legolas tried to laugh but it came out as a sob.

Aragorn's smile faded.

"Legolas, you knew that this day was coming."
"I know Aragorn."
"I told you that you didn't have to stay. You could have left for Valinor years ago."

Legolas took one of Aragorn's hands into his.

Aragorn was no longer the strong and young Ranger he had met all those years ago.

The light had left his eyes and only tiredness remained.
His hair was white and his breathing was slow.

"I could not leave you Aragorn, or Sam and Merry."

Legolas' heart ached at the mention of Sam and Merry.

Sam had died many winters ago. Merry had sent word to Aragorn and Legolas.

Not too many years later, Merry also died.
Legolas had witnessed his death, it had been the first time he had seen death like that.

He hadn't understood how someone could just stop living.

The only death he had seen had been caused by someone else.

Aragorn had been the one to console Legolas after Merry's death.

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