Chapter 5. || "The arrival".

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One Week Later.  

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- stop biting your nails. - Roxanne told me and dropped my hand to my lap as I rolled my eyes, though I kept my other hand on the steering wheel. 

- don't you know how nervous I am? - I replied, looking outside of my car's window: a 2004 silver Renault Megane I was able to bought with some of the money I made whilst being a model. 

- C'mon Ash, he can't be that bad. - she told me with an acquiescent kind of look. I looked back at her.

- oh trust me, for me, he is. - I told her. - I mean, I was about to forget him, and now I have to spend almost a month by his side, all day, all night? That's just not fair, you know. - I sighed. 

- life is always unfair, okay? - Roxanne told me and sighed as well as I turned right and parked the car on the airport's parking lot. I stopped the engine and faced Roxanne. - Now, don't let that douchebag bring you down and give him the best smile you can possible think of, that'll make him die inside. - she winked at me. 

I smirked, though I wasn't sure if I was ready to do this. I've been mentally preparing myself for this day but I just wish the wait was a little bit loger. I looked at the car's dashboard, where the clock was, and saw that it was a quarter to 7 and the sun was still up, the boys' flight must arrive at any moment. I took a deep breath, opened the door and stood outside. I unconsciously checked myself out in the car's window to see if I was fine. But I didn't do it for Nathan, who cares about him, anyway? At the end of the day, I'm seeing my 4 best friends again for more than half a year and, who says I can't be presentable for them? 

I catched up with Roxanne who was already walking towards the entry of Logan International Airport here in Boston. 

Suddenly, my head started spilling with thoughts: what was I going to say to them? How was I going to greet Seev? and Tom? and Max? Should I hug them or will it be way too awkward? What is Jay going to do when he sees me? And more important, was Nathan going to ignore me or act different around me? All those questions going around in my head made me want to puke. It's been so much since I last saw them... 

But, there was a good side: Nareesha and Kelsey were coming with them! How could I forget my girls? I was a bit sad since Jay told me Max had broken up with Michelle last year after they got engaged, I never met her but I felt sad for them. You know what they say: long distante relationships will kill you. Anyway, I know Roxanne is going to be good friends with them as well, she is just as fun as they are. 

I tilted my head upwards and checked the airport's schedule, and read that it said that flight 457 from British Airways had just arrived. My throat closed up as I felt anxiousness accumulating inside of me. Roxanne, in sight of my nervousness, came by and kind of massaged my shoulders so I could tense down a little bit. - calm down beautiful, it's gonna be alright. - she got her phone out from her pocket and read something. - see? - she flipped her phone to me - Josh says that you should be relaxed, is not a big deal. - 

I kind of smiled. I was so lucky to have friends like them, they always knew how to get me. 

As we walked towards the door in where the guys were supposed to come out from after getting their luggage, I took a look around me and saw some fans gathering around the same door as us and got even more nervous. My experience with fans was never good, so I didn't know what to expect from them this time, especially after they know that I'm not dating Nathan anymore. I hope they don't start rumors. 

I saw shadows filling the customs room through the translucent doors and some people coming out from them and greeting their families or friends. I couldn't stand it anymore so I just got out my phone and started fiddling it to avoid eye contact if one of the boys came out. I bit my lip and tried to blank my mind, but of course I couldn't. I felt butterflies in my stomach as Roxanne patted my arm. I looked at her first, but then followed the direction in which her index finger pointed.

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