Chapter 28. || "Metamorphosis."

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Sometimes you could say that Nano really cared about us, but only sometimes. Fortunately, it seems this week was one of those times where he was happy.

We had at least a week and a half off to rest and do the last 2 concerts of the tour, and Nano, as he knew we needed rest after almost 3 months without stopping, rented these cabins in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, for some days, since the rest of the week the lads and I had planned to meet  with our families in the UK.

Tom will be spending time with Kelsey and her family as well as Siva will be with Nareesha; Max will visit his brother and his mom, and well, Jay and Ashley will come with me to Gloucester for Jess's prom since precisely the wedding anniversary of Jay's parents is this week and they decided to go to Hawaii to celebrate.

Actually, because we all wanted to go and spend time with our families, but after knowing that Nano had made such a gesture for us, we decided to accept it.

—What else besides cabins and waterfalls is there? —Max asked Nano when he gave us the news.

—In general, it's a family vacation hub, which is full of bars. —Nano answered.

Max smiled, convinced. —That's all I need.

But it wasn't that bad. 

After being very tired from the flight from Los Angeles, a van drove us to the cabin and we all were shocked. It wasn't just any cabin, it was the cabin. 

It was surrounded by all these green trees full of life and you could tell that a path of white stones covered the small hill that lead to the entrance. It was totally built of wood, which made the evening sun reflect from its polished surface. From the outside you could tell it was spacious and big, with hammocks and plants of various shades and colors hanging on the porch. Its windows were German-style, and basically the whole house had an German-like architecture. I instantly turned to see Ashley because I knew it was something she would appreciate.

She looked excited, the emotion showed in her face and especially in her eyes.

Curiosity soon tempt us to know how it was inside, and one thing is certain: it did not disappoint at all.

As expected, everything was also made ​​out of wood: the furniture, walls, floors, kitchen... Except that even like that, everything looked modern. The house was divided at first sight by this bridge that was on the first floor, which was open and allowed people that crossed to show. The living room was full of furniture and a round table with flowers in the middle, of course, without missing a TV. The kitchen was filled with stainless steel appliances and cabinets made ​​of wood. At the end of the room was a long table to celebrate special occasions, in one corner was a table tennis table, and then at the end, it had panoramic windows that revealed the porch of the cabin, which overlooked the spectacular view of the mountains of Pigeon Forge.

W all left our luggage and ventured down the rest of the house.

Turns out there were 3 floors. The first was were the living room was, the second where the bedrooms were, and the third was basically a rooftop. On the floor where the bedrooms were, there were several rooms. 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, to be specific. Not bad. Especially since they all left the biggest bedroom for me and Ashley. In the end we all ended up on the roof and found that it was definitely our favorite part of the house. It had chimneys and barbecues for cooking and also had this thing that looked like a circle filled with wood to start a bonfire, and the best is that in a corner there was a jacuzzi, and damn, I knew that we were going to use it a lot, even though we weren't going to stay there that long. 

—A river and a waterfall run behind the house. —Big Kev announced, who was just joining us on the rooftop.

—Really? —Ashley asked excitedly.

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