Chapter 14. || "The truth is..."

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I remember the time I read that high heels were first invented for men. I remember I spent about 15 minutes thinking about how they wouldv'e looked and wondered what it was that suddenly they stopped wearing them and it became more of a female thing. Anyways, the point is that my feet were killing me when Nathan opened the door of his suite. I took them off as soon as I walked inside. 

- Are you concerned? - Nathan asked me, and I kind of took it off guard, because he hadn't said anything since we left the party. 

- No, why should I? - I asked him. - In fact, I'm pretty happy that you trust in me by telling me this. - 

A corner of his lips smiled. He took one step towards me and brushed off one lock of hair that was falling on my bare shoulder. I shivered, first because of his touch and second because I was cold. The temperature in the suite was low. I guess Nathan noticed it, because then he added: - Are you cold? - but I had no time to answer. He took off his jacket and with a quick movement he threw it over my shoulders. 

I smirked. - Thanks. - 

- Now, I'm going to make tea. It should help you. - 

Sure, why didn't I think about it before? Of course Nathan was going to prepare tea. He drank about 5 cups a day. I doubted Nathan Sykes existed if there was no tea. I frowned. - With what? The cold? - 

- In a part, yes. In the other part, maybe it will calm you down after I tell you what I'm about to tell you. - 

I laughed. He was acting so anxious. - God, Nathan. Would you stop acting like it's the end of the world? I'm happy enough that you're sharing this with me. - 

He sighed, again. And now he was getting me nervous. - I'm sorry. I'm just over-reacting. - 

I bit my lips and threw myself in the couch that was in the living room as Nathan put the kettle on. I folded my legs under my thighs and cuddled myself in the corner of the couch. I wrapped Nathan's jacket around me and allowed myself to close my eyes, after all, I was just really sleepy. It was about 12:30. 

I wondered what it was that made men's perfume so powerful and lasting, because every. Fucking. Garment. Of him smelled of his beautiful scent. 

- Ashley, are you awake? - I felt someone sitting in the couch next to me, making the spot where he was sitting sink.

I shook my head and opened my eyes. - Sorry, guess I needed to take a nap. - 

- Don't worry. It was a 5 minutes nap. - I sat upright. Nathan handed me a cup of hot tea. - Here you go, Jasmine-infused tea, your favorite. - 

I took it. How did he even know...? - How do you know it's my favorite? - 

- I thought you'd ask that. - he snorted. - Remember back in school they used to have these hot kettles filled with tea in lunch time? You always served yourself a cup from Jasmine tea. Every day. - I stared at him, speechless. The worst part was that it was true. It was my favorite kind of tea. 

Then, I giggled nervously. - You're a first class stalker, I see then. - it would've been scary in another situation, but I found it pretty cute. 

- Well, I guess all the fans learned that from me. - he said, and I laughed, and he was laughing as well. 

- Enough chatter, now. What is it that you were going to tell me? - I said, and took a sip of tea. 

He cleared his throat and sat closer to me, our knees rushing. I could put my head on his shoulder if I wanted to.... He reached out to my lap and grabbed my hand. I stared at our hands together: mine so tiny and white, and his so long and big. - Promise me... Promise me you won't judge me for what I did. - 

Over Again ~ Sequel to Loverboy - Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora