Chapter 3

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I can't believe I just made out with him. I'm going to kill myself.

"Irene! I've been looking everywhere for you. I was wondering if you knew where Namjoon was?" Wendy asked while holding a box of chocolate.

"Namjoon? I don't know. Why would I know?" I said obviously dodging the obvious that I was just with him.

"I'll let you know when I find him!" She said and continued to find him.

I'm never going to tell her this, ever. I know that I'm being a bad friend but it was in the heat of the moment, and I couldn't resist.

I quickly entered the classroom and tried to distract myself about what just happened. "I'm guessing you're in trouble?"

I looked up and it was the devil, Taehyung.

"Who says I'm in trouble?" I said trying to ignore his gaze, but his gaze was eating me up. "I mean, judging by the way you look right now. It seems like you're in trouble." He said while eyeing me up and down.

"I'm perfectly fine. I have no idea what you're talking about." I said

"Alright whatever you say, but pick a place to do the project. Your house or my house." He said while taking a seat next to me. "I think my place is good but when do you plan on coming over?"

"How does tomorrow sound? I have to run errands with my little sister today." He said while pulling out his headphones.

"Tomorrow sounds great." I said

Thank god he didn't keep pestering me about the fact that I look like a mess.


3:00 pm *school bell rings*

It's finally my escape. I quickly grabbed my backpack out from my locker and quickly made a dash out of the classroom. I know he's already at the gate waiting for me, but I have to go because I can't study with them today, or from now on.

As I was trying to leave the school ground early. I was close to the school gate and if I could just get pass that gate and pass the both of them, I'll be okay. I quickly took the risk but I immediately felt somebody hands on my wrist. I turned around and there she was.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to study with us?" She questioned me giving me a concerning look and god, why did he have to be there and why do I suck at being sneaky. I should've went the other way.

"Oh- you see. I'm not feeling so good and I need to head home." I said while giving my best act on being sick, but I could see Namjoon giving me the biggest smirk. "What? You're sick. Let me go home with you!" She said while insisting she leaves with me.

"NO! I mean, no. I don't want you sick and I'm sure it's just the minor cold. I really mean it, please." I said trying to reassure her

"Alright, if the fever goes up. Please call me?" She said

As the both of them exited the gate. I felt relief because that was so hard to put my act on.

I started making my way home and I really can't tell her. It's going to break her heart and I hate seeing her sad, this is going to be a nightmare.

With all the overthinking, I didn't even realize that I'm home. I opened the door and was greeted by Haru, which is our cat. I quickly grabbed her food bowl and poured in tuna.

Oh Haru, what am I going to do? I made out with my best friends crush but I couldn't resist it because he was just so hot at the moment. This is bad, stop having these thoughts.

Incoming text from: Taehyung.

Taehyung: Look at these flowers, aren't they pretty?

You: Are you sure you texted the right number?

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