Chapter 4

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I'm guessing this is it. I guess we're really moving in together now and that doesn't make any sense to me. I can't digest everything. 

As I was looking around this studio apartment, it had started hitting me that this is where I was going to live now. I'm going to be sharing a bedroom with my ex-boyfriend and for some reason, that idea doesn't comfort me at all. I really thought I was never going to deal with him again. 

"I put every box in the bedroom and I'm going to run back to the car to grab my suitcase," Taehyung said while sounding out of breath due to moving the majority of the boxes. 

I'm slowly thinking of backing out now but I told my parents that I'll do anything to help them. "Did you hear a word I said?" 

"I'm sorry what?" I said while zoning back into reality. "I know this is sudden but if it makes you feel better, we don't have to sleep in the same bed nor do married couple stuff. Think of me as a roommate." He suggested while giving me a class of water 

"Thanks. I'm sorry for all of this." 

"It's alright. If my dad would've told me sooner that we were going bankrupt, I would've at least tried to let this happen." 

"I hope we can leave whatever we had in the past and start growing as individuals. I'm really glad that this is a way for us to start over." He said while giving me a warm smile. 

I guess in this lighting he doesn't look so bad. It was slowly hitting me that we've grown up so much and I can't help but feel sentimental for all the times we've lost. Sometimes, I wish that I could go back and appreciate those moments more because I know that maybe I could never experience that again. 

"I'll be right back." 

As he headed out the door to grab his suitcase. I explored more of the apartment and it wasn't so bad. My parents had told me that they're paying it, while we're making the other costs. Which was food and cleaning materials. The bed looked so comfy~~

Incoming text from: Wendy

Wendy: I think Jimin is going to confess to me today. 


Wendy: I need to tell you something. We had sex yesterday. 

what did she just say??


Wendy: I'm sorry, it was the heat of the moment and we were in his room. I started feeling tension and I leaned in!

You: I can't believe this is happening. I mean, as long as you're okay then I'm okay.

Wendy: I am perfectly fine, don't worry about me. I'll update you later!


I stepped out of the bedroom to look at the view from the window and I think five-year-old me would never be expected to get married at seventeen. Isn't that crazy? I watched all the little human beings cross the stress, little kids playing on the playground, and all the cars stopping at red lights. From this perspective, everyone seems so small. 

"I believe that should be the last of our stuff. I was wondering if you want to go grocery shopping. I think we could use some food in this house and maybe run to IKEA to purchase some furniture. I was also thinking since we both didn't have lunch yet, we could eat inside of IKEA. I heard that their food is pretty good." 

I turned around and he sounded so mature. I could've never imagined him to become like this. I had a sense of urgency to hug him. 

I went up to him and threw my arms around him. I forgot what this felt like. He soon then wrapped his arms around my waist and we stood there for a good two minutes just hugging. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He questioned while giving me a concerning look. 

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