Big mistakes come with bigger consequences

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Chapter five

For the past few weeks, things have been going great. My dad and I have gotten closer. Last week we went bowling and yesterday we went to get pizza.

Also I have gotten to know the group of people I met my first day of school. They call themselves outcasts so I'm calling us that now. Turns out, not everyone in there looks their ages. Tori isn't a sophomore, but a senior like me. So is Nicole. Almost everyone else are juniors except Grace. I could've sworn she was the oldest but I was wrong... She is actually a sophomore.

Huh.... Oh well.

I continued to go their church and youth group and I grew even more relationships with people. The main girls I grew close to were Tori, Nicole, Faith, and Grace. They're just awesome. I couldn't ask for any better friends, besides Mark and Julia.

Well everything was going great at my new home.... Until the unthinkable happened.


I went to school and looked for Tori and Nicole. I had to talk to them about this and I needed support. I was afraid the other girls would think I'm a slut but I trusted those two.

I went through the morning without seeing any of them. We only had gym together which is fine but I seriously needed to talk to them.

Lunch came around and still no sign of my friends. I HAD to find them. This was a matter of life or death. Ok so maybe not that buy this was urgent.

As I put my books in my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Jacob behind me.

"Oh, hi Jacob" I said to him.

"Hey Sarah," he replied. "You seem a little down today. Is everything alright?"

Aw... He's concerned for me. I feel so special.

"Umm..." I hesitated. "I uh.. I'm fine."

I started to feel nervous. I tried to put my last book in my locker when I dropped my bag. All my things went everywhere. I bent down to grab my stuff and Jacob helped me when he picked up a box.

"What's this?" He asked me.

"Uh it's a...." I couldn't finish because I was ashamed.

"Is this a...." He looked astonished and whispered. "Sarah..... Is this a pregnancy test?"

I couldn't hide it anymore. The scare and the worry. I just lost it.

"Please don't tell anyone." That is all I could say. I started to tear up when he embraced me in his arms.

"Of course I won't." He assured me. "And I'm here for you no matter the case. Positive or negative. Ill always be here."

I tried my best to stay strong. I had to find Nicole and Tori.

"I have to find Nicole and Tori. I want them to he there for me."

"Oh I saw them in the cafeteria getting food. They should be outside by now."

Here me go and gave me the box with the test in it. I stuffed it in my bag real fast and went to find them. I went out only to see Nicole, Tori, and Adam. Nicole was going off about this guy she met in her class that was really cute and she thinks he likes her. Tori was too into Adam to listen. I had to get them to come with me.

"Hey guys." I said to the three.

"Hey Sarah." They all said simultaneously.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked

"John had swim team, Landon and Devon had extra band practice, Grace is sick, and Faith and Tim are...." Tori explained until Nicole cut her off.

"Faith and Tim are probably off somewhere expressing their love for each other."

Everyone started laughing and Adam choked on his drink. Once the laughing subsided, I asked the girls if I could talk to them alone.

I examined everything that happened and I showed them the box. The looks on their faces looked like they were about to leave me alone forever. But then Tori gave me a hug and Nicole joined in.

"Whatever happens..." Tori stated, "we'll be here for you no matter what."

That's exactly what Jacob said. These people were probably the best thing that has happened to me in a while. After our hug, Nicole grabbed my bag and we all walked to the bathroom. They wanted to be with me the entire time.

I did the test and we were waiting on the results. After I took the test, we set it in the sink so we weren't looking at it constantly in my hand. The whole bathroom was silent because Tori threatened each person that walked in. After about 2 minutes of silence, Nicole spoke up.

"Sarah, I have one question."

"What is it?" I replied sweetly but stressfully.

"If you are pregnant, are you gonna keep it?" She asked so concerning.

I really did not think that. I mean I was raised to believe that girls should not get pregnant at this age. But I never thought it would happen to me.

"I really don't know, Nicole." I answered her with the nicest way possible.

"Well I have a request." Tori added.

"And what would that be?" Nicole asked before I could.

"If you do keep it, can I PLEASE throw you a baby shower?" She asked sounding like a little kid.

I just laughed. Out of every situation, this girl could really find a way to make it better. "Of course you can" I answered with a giggle. She fist pumped and did a Napoleon Dynamite 'yes'.

Then, we realized it was done. The moment of truth. This would decide what was going to happen next. Whether I would have a baby in me or not. I stepped closer to the sink and read the stick. My heart sank and I felt a mix of emotions.

I whisper what I could so the tears would not fall as hard.

"I'm pregnant!"


BOOM!!! WHAT??? How's this for a story! I said it would get better and it did!! Wait I never said that? Oh well now I did! So love you all!! Wanna shout out to my friend ryoko5!!

Love ya girl and can't wait for the new book to come out!!

Oh and I was wondering... If anyone has time and computer art skills... If ya wanna make a cover for Growing Gift that would be great!! :D ok I'm done!


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