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Chapter 6

"Sarah calm down. Everything will be fine."

Tori and Nicole have been trying to cool me down since school let out. Tori brought me to her house because I could not face my father just yet. I was good at keeping my tears hidden during the rest of the school, but once I got to Tori's room I lost it.

It's been hours but I can't stop crying.

"Everything will be fine." Nicole assured

"H-how do y-you know that for s-sure?" I asked still in tears. "Y-you've never b-been in my situation!"

"Of course we haven't been in your situation." Tori answered. "But you have us to help you carry the burden."

"You're right." I sniffed and stopped my hysterical crying.

Nicole smiled, "We won't let you go through this by yourself. We're not completely mean."

I nodded in agreement. They gestured fora hug and I accepted it.

After our pretty long hug, he heard a knock on Tori's bedroom door.

"Who is it?" She asked sweetly.

"Pizza man!" A way too familiar voice replied.

She opened the door to find John holding a couple pizzas. And everyone else around them with big smiles on their faces and either drinks or bags of chips in their hands.

"Let's get this party started!" Grace shouted.


We ate the pizzas and chips and drank most of the drinks. Mid-way through our dinner, Adam noticed my tear stained face and asked me what was wrong. I almost lost it again.

No more hiding.

I explained everything that had happened; Derrick, the "time together", and the newly-found-out pregnancy.

And just like Tori and Nicole, they were understanding and caring.

Which made me even happier because most of them were guys.

We kind of put it behind us after another hug fest and I sort of teared up again. The guys started talking about cars and us girls started talking about Nicole's new crush.

But I noticed Jacob was not very talkative amongst the guys. Eventually, he got up and left the room. I couldn't help but follow him.

I found him down in the kitchen, sitting around the island with his head in his hands. He looked depressed.

I grabbed a chair and sat across from him. "Jacob?" I asked sweetly, "are you okay?"

He looked up with those beautiful blue eyes of his. He had tears coming into them. "Please tell me you're going to keep it."

"I'm sorry?" I didn't understand exactly what he was saying.

"The baby. Please tell me you're going to go through the pregnancy."

Oh... That's what he meant.

"Of course I will." I remarked, "I am against abortion with all my being."

I saw a form of relief come across his face. I guess I said the right answer.

"Do you want some ice cream?" He asked out of the blue.

"Umm...." I hesitated, "Sure."

He went into the freezer and pulled out a tub of cookies and cream ice cream.

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