Chapter 4: I am a God Slayer

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I don't want to do this! I don't need to do this! I didn't choose to be a God Slayer, and I can't possibly fight a Hydra! My thoughts were interrupted by the Hydra which had lunged at me, showing me the rows of conical, sharp teeth that looked sharp enough to cut me if they even got too close to me. I jumped around thirty feet in the air again and evaded it's attack. Another one of the five heads tried to bite me whole and I kicked it to the side as hard as I could, then landed safely.

It had blood red, reptile eyes that were completely focused on me. It's scales where dark gray, almost black and looked hard enough to break my fist on if I tried to punch them. It had five humongous heads and a gigantic, four legged body. The beast stood at 30 feet tall and it gave out a deafining screech, simulating a roar.

The beast once again lunged at me and I lift my leg straight up, then brought it down in an axe kick when the Hydra's head was close enough. The head came off due to it's momentum being suddenly stopped. I then lost myself in horror as I remembered what happened when one of the Hydra's heads was blown or cut off. It started to bubble at the wound and I saw how the bone formed, then the muscle, and finally the skin on the two new heads that grew from the wound. Meanwhile, due to the blood from the Chimera boosting my abilities, I could listen to the conversation my friends where having about 500m away.

-I can't believe he's forced to fight him!-Tyrone yelled.

-We have to help him!-Brice yelled.

-Susanoo left me a samurai sword!-my mother yelled.- It's in my room under the bed in a box.

Then I heard Tyrone's and Brice's footsteps as they ran to the house. I need to distract this beast! I can't let it destroy the house behind me or hurt my friends! I need to stop trying to be a normal human for once and accept that I'll never go back to that life!

I jumped towards the creatures body and punched it as hard as I could to try to get it off it's feet. The Hydra simply skidded back a few feet and then proceeded to attack me with it's six heads simultaneously. I waited for the last moment, my better reflexes let me identify that specific moment, and at the very last second, I jumped into the air and made them collide with each other.

By now, Brice was in the balcony with the sheathed sword in his hands that he tossed to Tyrone who was standing below the balcony.

-Catch!-Tyrone yelled as he tossed the sword so hard it could've easily impaled the Hydra athough it still being sheathed.

I grabbed it and immediately unsheathed it. I landed on one of the heads and stabbed through the that head's skull and crushed it's brain making the head and it's neck fall limp.

-You destroyed one!-Tyrone yelled, hope written all over his tone.

-Annihilate them all!-yelled Isabelle who had finally arrived at the house.

I laughed in hope as well and then jumped towards one of the other heads. I landed where I wished, but one of the other heads came at me showing me that snake like tongue. I guided it on top of the other head where I was standing, as it tried to shake me off, and then jumped only 10 feet in the air. After that I repositioned my body into a diving form and launched the sword when the heads alligned. The sword completely impaled both heads, to the point of coming out the other end and finding itself buried on the pavement.

-Enough!-Heracles' powerful voice yelled as he finished off the creature.-You've proven your might God Slayer.

I laughed happily-Does that mean I can go back to my normal life now!?-I asked as my friends hugged each other in glee.

-No.-he replied.-Now, you must prove your might against me. The use of weapons in this battle is prohibited.

-Dude, I just told you,-I replied desperately.-I don't want this life! Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone as...-my last line was intercepted as he punched me and sent me flying into some nearby buildings.

I felt every bone in my body ache with pain as I stood up from the rubble. I gasped for air since it had been knocked out of my body from the blow, and then I got on my hands and knees to beg.

-Heracles please!-I begged.-Leave me alone! I jut want to live a normal life.

He began laughing-So you won't fight me then!? I guess I'll have to make you fight me!-he said as he grabbed Tyrone by the neck.-Do you value your friend's life!? Then fight me!

-Please stop!-I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

-You asked for it!-he said as he punched Tyrone into my house making it collapse on him.

Third person narration:

As Jace witnessed how Heracles possibly killed his friend, something inside him changed. He began to give off a intimidating presence that scared his friends and family more than that of Heracles'.

-So!-The demigod yelled.-Will I need to kill another one, or will you stop me!?

Jace closed the distance between them as he appeared behind him about to kick the demigod's head off.-Shut up.-He ordered.

The demigod ducked out of the way startled by the feeling of certain death that he felt.

-That's more like it!-he yelled as he tried to turn to punch him, but Jace was already behind him again and punched him so hard, a sonic boom was heard as Heracles broke the sound barrier when he was launched.

Heracles, or more like his body, obliterated a nearby structure completely. He stood up from the rubble and saw Jace pick up the samurai sword that he discarded before.

-Hey! The deal said no weapons!-Heracles yelled.

-I never agreed to that, you scumbag.-Jace coldly replied.- You hurt my friend.

He picked up the sword and his eyes began glowing in a golden hue.-I'm a God Slayer. I won't try to live a normal life anymore.

-You messed with the wrong guy, you brat!-he yelled as another Hydra came down in lightning and materialized.

Jace broke the sound barrier as he approached the Hydra and cut it in so many pieces, it was impossible to count them due to their size and number.

-I am a God slayer.-he restated.- I don't need to fight you... I need to kill you.-he finished as he cracked his neck.

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