Chapter 27: New Arrivals.

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That's impossible, but... There's no mistake... The Gods came from me and Brice. I couldn't go anywhere, I had to stay with my past life, and watch as Rakash and Marshant fought each other, each time the victor changing. They battled each and every day for four long years, then they decided they had enough. They wouldn't battle with all their might anymore just to amuse the four men whom I presume were Gods.

-How about we just have a small spar?-Rakash said.

-What do you mean?-Marshant asked.

-Well, instead of going all out and almost killing each other to only feel exhausted afterwards. Let's just decide the winner by making a ring or something.-Rakash explained.

-Fair enough, I accept your proposal.-Marshant answered.

-Would you drop the attitude? Stop acting like the arrogant family leader who can't stand the rival family, I know you've warmed up to me-Rakash said teasingly.

Marshant looked at him quite annoyed (or tried) and then chuckled in defeat.- Alright, let's draw a small ring and whoever gets kicked out first loses.

-Well, we made an agreement amongst ourselves.-Rakash began.- Now let's see if the four great emperors accept.

I watched as they walked out of the barracks they were in and into the Coliseum.

-You have not been called.-The four men said- Leave at once!

-We're not gonna battle to near death for you anymore!-Marshant yelled, as Rakash began marking the ring, which oddly enough looked like the one we sparred in at the gym.-We are here to propose a different fighting method, where we won't need to senselessly attack each other until near death.

-Who do you think you're talking too, human?-The man sitting in the throne of blades set as he began to stand.

-Control yourself, War!-yelled the man in the throne of thunder clouds. He regained his composure and began to speak.-Well, human warriors, you've battled hard for so many years, so maybe you do deserve a break of some sort. I will allow this one change in the ways we do this, but never deman anything else from us. Are we clear?- he finished.

-Yes, your highness.-Rakash and Marshant said simultaneously. Then they returned to the barracks and celebrated in what little way they could.

Their small celebration, or yelling contest(since that's what they were limited to) was interrupted when they heard a loud boom in the coliseum's arena. They ran out, climbing several stairs, when they arrived all the sand from the floor had been lifted like in a sandstorm, making visibility horrible.

When the dust(or sand) settled we saw four more humans standing there: one man, and three girls. Those are the rest of my friends. Tyrone, Isabelle, Kate and Karry. So I guess all of us had a past life. Rakash and Marshant glared at the emperors.

-You brought more people to this hell hole!?-Rakash yelled.

-What the hell is wrong with you!?- Marshant then yelled in just as much outrage.

-Well, if you make the game less entertaining it's only fitting to have more contestants.-The man in the throne of trees and nature said.

-Don't worry, they don't have to battle to the death either.-said the man in te throne of scorched earth.

Rakash and Marshant gritted their teeth in anger and then proceeded to help out the new arrivals. They were from different families they never met before, but luckily all of them spoke the strange language. After a thorough explanation of the situation they began to get to know each other.

Rakash and Kate's past self, Lana, clicked specially well. Unlike modern us, they bonded rapidly and even "went to town", if you know what I mean. I discovered I can't be more than 10 feet away, so I was forced to at least listen to the scene. Nowadays you go on first dates or whatever but Jesus Christ! What are these people cavemen!? I can't believe this. Well, many months later the six of them(us) became specially close. It was a perfect life despite the circumstances. I also observed that the same Gods we handed out, were the ones formed way. For example, when Lana was bestowed with the powers of death, she created Anubis. It went on like that for a very long time and the Emperors seemed more unamused with every ring battle.

One day a situation rose. The emperors called on Rakash and Marshant.

-We're not supposed to fight. We're on break.-Rakash said complaining before he heard Lana's muffled screams. Rakash's, Marshant's, and my heart sank when we heard that sound.-What have you done!?-Rakash yelled in extreme anger and desperateness.

-You have a choice to make, warriors.-the four men said.-You can let her die, and the rest of you leave The Eternal Coliseum, or you all live and are stuck here forever. Decide now!

Rakash turned to his friend and rival- We're gonna save her, right!?

Marshant sadly began.-Rakash, we've fought for many years for our families, right? Well this is our family now, I know you feel strongly about her, but we have to do what's best for our family.

-How dare you!?-Rakash yelled. Then they began yelling at each other only to be interrupted by the emperors.

-If you have opposite opinions, you should kill the other, and make the decision by yourself.-they said. Then war snapped his fingers and each of their signature weapons appeared in front of them.

The staff and sword, for Marshant and Rakash respectively. Rakash was going to comment on how ridiculous that was, but was interrupted by Marshant's attack.

-I'm sorry, my friend, but I must fight for our family's future. Forgive me as well, Lana, wherever you may be.-Marshant said coldly and sadly.

Rakash quickly charged for his sword and tried his hardest to defend his friend's next attack but failed.

My other scar on my chest, is from this battle. The reason Brice killed me, deemed me evil, was because I was willing to let us stay there for eternity for Kate. I watched as Lana was engulfed into flames and died screaming in pain. The emperors laughed in amusement and I couldn't help but feel my blood boil. Then they called the other three, to let them see what Marshant caused. They hated Marshant, he killed Rakash and Lana. They attacked him, and in self defense he killed them.

The emperors by now were wheezing for air as they laughed, I tend to bite my tongue when angry, and blood came out from how hard I was biting.

Then Marshant killed himself as he was overrun with guilt and loneliness. I heard him curse at Rakash, for if he sacrificed Lana, none of this would've happened. The emperors laughed even more and drank from newly summoned goblets as they cheered.

-Well, I would like to see that again.-War said.-Let's curse their souls, force them to reincarnate over and over and suffer.- the others jolted up in interest and agreed with smiles from ear to ear.

I bit my tongue so hard large spurts of blood came out from my mouth. Somehow aura leaked from my body despite having no actual life. The scenery in front of me cracked like glass, and when it shattered I was manifesting physically, and the emperors looked at me in surprise. I wasn't just watching the scenes of my life replay, now I was in them and ready to change it.

-How dare you!?-I yelled.-I'll kill all four of you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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