Just a little Message

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It seems as if I've rediscovered WattPad!!! Sorry for ditching you all for six months, stuff happens you know?

But I'm back!!!! DA DA DAAAAAA

This fanfic is for my bestie gurl @ellie_louise55. I love you xx

I've kinda forgotten about my other fanfic, but don't worry, I'll update it some time, maybe, soon, never :/ aha i'll try k?

Well thats pretty much it except go follow @ellie_louise55 and me of course! Oh and while I'm shout-outing (is that even a word?) go follow @rhiann_cull99 !!

Byeee-ooo and I love unicorns.

Oh, I'll update ASAP, I haven't started writing yet whoopsyooo

Sophie x

Love Will Find Us (Niall Horan FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now