Chapter 2

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A/N: So this chapter is mostly just Ellie's summary of her week, so it will be short.

After a week at my new school, I had made a few friends to my surprise. The girls sitting on the bus? Yep, that's them. There was Rhiann, the sporty blonde one, Sophie, the 'child' of the group with brown hair and blonde highlights at the ends, Rhiannon, the book worm with mouse brown hair and Avalon, the academic drama student, with curly brown hair.

Rhiann was tall, skinny and smart. She loved athletics and was really good at it, recieving age champion at the previous Athletics Carnival. She always dressed in skinny jeans, singlets and flats. Sophie was smart, funny and childish. She always joked around and made everyone laugh, but she was still very serious about her schoolwork, never once getting into trouble, ever. She loved to wear purple and liked to wear singlets, denim shorts and VANS or Converse. She and Avalon received straight A's. Avalon was skinny, smart and a dance/drama teen. She loved all the old and classical movies, such as The Breakfast Club, and was very dramatic. Avalon loved pink, hence why she wore pink very single day. She normally wore jeans, pink tops and her favourite pair of boots but could be found sporting any pick item of clothing. She did dance almost every day and was always singing and Rhiannon was always reading, but was very supportive. She was the oldest of us all, being a year older. She too was a good student, but not as serious. She loved to draw and write little stories. Rhiannon loved a lot of styles, blouses and skirts, dresses, shorts etc. And me, well I was the new girl who was very grateful that let me into their friendship group. I was a normal student, receiving average marks. I wore whatever I found in my closet, which was mainly muscle tees and shorts. I had a favourite pair of combat boots which I wore almost every day.

Oh, and there was Niall. Alot had happened. He had had a fight with his friends, not a physical fight. He was always texting me when he was free, and I tried to reply as much as I could, but with Kellie around, that was hard. Niall was a football player, and a pretty good one at that. He had dirty blonde hair, with his natural brunette roots showing. He was tall, kind and friendly. I learnt that he was one of the most popular guys in the school, and Jessica, the most popular girl, was all over him.

And my classes? Well to my surprise I was in one of the highest math classes, with Rhiannon. Not all of the girls were in my home room, just Sophie. The others were in another class. Rhiann and Avalon were in my English, History and Physics class. Niall in the History. Rhiannon and Sophie were in my Health and PE class, they weren't very sporty at all, so they hung out together at the back, trying to avoid the ball. Avalon took dance and drama, Sophie, Rhiann and I took Food Tech. Sophie also took Sewing. Avalon was in my Legal Studies class, and oh Sophie was also in our English and Legal Studies class. I think that's all my classes.

We sat together at a table in the cafeteria, off to the side a bit. They weren't popular, but people did know them, because they were so nice and friendly. Sophie was a bit shy at first, but then she opened up, revealing her childish attitude. She described herself as a special cookie. Avalon was very confident. Rhiannon and Rhiann were, well, in the middle? They all had nice lunch, like chips, fruit salad, and a burger or wrap. I had to have salad. Sometimes they would let me have some. I had told them about the whole Kellie thing. They would giggle at all the hot guys in the cafeteria, and there were so many hot guys at this school. Every now and then, Niall would look over at me from the centre table, and I would look away, down at my boring, unappetising salad of lettuce and pretty much nothing else. Sophie and Rhiann would always comment, "He's looking at you again. Jessica is going to hate you.."

Jessica did, she came up to me on Thursday:

"Hi, I'm Jessica, you should know that. I'm the most popular and gorgeous girl in the school". 'Oh great,' I thought. 'Another one of these'. "Hi, I'm Ellie." I replied. When everyone had walked past, her happy greeting turned into death stare threats. "Now listen here chick, if you go anywhere nere Ni-Ni, I'll have you pinned against the wall surrendering. I do Tae-Kwon-Do. Got it!?" "Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to anger you. And Ni-Ni??" I replied. "Don't question my nicknames, he's mine. Unless you want a not so pleasant name?" she said. "No, no, its fine." I said. She turned and stormed off. "Wow" I muttered, before turning to my locker to continue sorting through my homework.

Avalon was in her drama class, and told me to stay clear of her. I did. I also stayed clear of Niall.

How has your week been at school? - Niall :)

What was our History h/w?? - Niall

Ellie? - Niall

I get it. - N

I felt bad, he was a really nice guy, but I didn't want an Ellie shaped head dent in the wall. I ended up replying though.

I'm so sorry. Jessica talked to me. She seems, nice? I have to finish Math homework, its due tomorrow. Good luck with your game tomorrow. - Ellie

I finished my homework, had so called dinner, texted my dad goodnight, asking for him to come home soon, showered and got to bed. I missed my dad, he went back to our old house, since we were still selling it. It had eventually sold but there was stuff he had to go back and do. And of course, he took by brother and step-sister. Kellie made him take Summer, my step-sister, and Jack got to go as a reward, because as always, he did better than me in sport, which was all that mattered to Kellie.

And that was my week basically.

*End of Chapter*

A/N: Hope it's not too boring, just trying to fill you in with information you might need for later on. Stay tuned for the next chapter, and if you have any questions, just shoot em at meh, in the comments below or inbox me. Cheerio!

Sophie :D

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