Chapter 4

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I knew I had forgotten something last night, my phone. I forgot to turn it off. And it had woken me up.

Ellie its 10am!!! answer the door im here! - Sophie

Oh my god! I'd completely forgotten Sophie was coming over and slept in, I think everyone else did too. I raced out of bed down to the door and unlocked it. I opened it. "Finally!" she joked. "Soz, I slept in, and it seems everyone else did too!" I apologised. "Well come in I suppose" I said, welcoming her in. "Are your parents awake?" Sophie's dad asked. "I can wake my dad up if you want?" I said, not sure if he would allow Sophie to stay if we were up alone. "I trust you girls, there's not much you can do I suppose. Well have fun Sophie, I'll pick you up around 5pm?" he said. "That's fine" we both said. 

Sophie wore some denim shorts, a singlet and converse. Her hair was in a bun and she wore only concealer on her face, to cover her breakouts.

Her dad left and we went up to my room, leaving a note on the kitchen bench.

Sophie came early while you were asleep so we are just in my room so we don't wake anyone up.

Ellie and Sophie.

"Um Ellie are you going to get changed?" Sophie asked, noticing that I was still in my pyjamas. "Sure" I answered. I went to grab out whatever from my closet but Sophie stopped me. "Wait! I want to pick out an outfit for you!" she said, opening my closet. "Wow, your clothes are so cool, I love the shredded jeans and those cropped tops!! Where did you buy them?" she said. "Honestly don't know, but thanks." I answered.

Sophie searched through my unbelievably messy closet before putting together an outfit which consisted of a cropped top with a heart, some DIY blue and purple hinted shorts, and a pair of VANS I didn't even know I owned. I tried them on and looked in the mirror. "Hey this looks good Soph! Thanks!" I said. "Now I want to do your hair!" she said excited. "I don't think that's a good idea, good luck getting this furball nest thingy to do anything" I said laughing.

After 5 whole minutes of brushing violently, my hair was actually knot free, neat and silky. She began to braid it down the side of my head behind my ear, and incorporated it into a ponytail. She went over to her bag and grabbed a straightener. "Are you really going to bother trying to straighten this?" I said pointing to my hair. "Yep!" she answered. I grabbed out my phone, and took a selfie, with Sophie in the background pulling faces with the straightener. I sent it to the others.

*image* Stuck in the hairdressers salon. Don't you wish you were here too Avalon? - Ellie

Yes! - Avalon

Looks good - Rhi

Aww I want my hair like that! - Rhiann

Sophie finished straightening my hair, and it looked really good! "Wow its so nice! Such a change!" I said, glad almost to have my hair looking decent and presentable. "What do you want to do now?" she asked. "Well, what do you want to do?" I asked in reply. "Whatever you want to do." Sophie said. "Ok seriously, pick something!" I said. "How about... we.... yeah I really don't know" she said. "Well imma go to the toilet, so you think of something from now to when I get back." I said, walking off to the toilet.


Sophie laughed. "Is that my phone?" I asked, I couldn't tell since it was half hidden in the sheets of my bed. "Yep. You seem popular" she winked. "What!?" I said, running to my bed. Sophie was texting Niall. I grabbed my phone and sped through the conversation. "I'm going to kill you Sophie. Why!" I said, running after her as she tried to escape. I pinned her on the floor. Like a boss. [In a non-awkward way guys :)] "He texted you! I replied!" she said squirming. "Ok" I said, simply getting up. She got up and sat on the bed next to me. I texted Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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