Heat Haze Refutation

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...Is this really happening?

Here I am, standing in front of such a tall building. I think I remember the name... it was 'Hope's Peak Academy'... or something. Whoever gets into this school is promised to have good luck in the future. No, you don't apply, there aren't even any entrance exams. The invitation come to you. Only the best of the best get into this school, and they all must have an eye ablility.

Mine? Well, it's sort of lame. It's 'Eye Movement'. If I stare at something for a long amount of time with my eye powers on, I have move it, or make it float, or something of the sort. How I got it? I was in an earthquake, and a boulder was about to crash onto me. That's when I met the snake. She gave me the power of 'eye movement', and I moved it across, so it didn't hurt anyone. It took a while to control my powers, but it was worth it.

Other than all this with eye abilities, I'm just a strange girl. I love listening to music, my favourite animal is a cat, I'm not interested in fashion at all, and I spend most of my time at home, on the internet. How could someone like me fit in, at such an amazing place like this? I look up at the building once more. I'm nervous, but I step forward. My long, dark brown hair sways behind me and the headphones around my neck shake. Yup, I'm definately nervous. But it's better to get this over and done with, right? I open the door to this amazing academy, and before I know it, the scenery fades to black.

I wake up in a dark classroom, my image being blurry. I raise my right hand to rub my eye, but I feel an abnormal pain on the area of my left cheek. I reach down to the pocket on my jumper I'm wearing and grab out a mirror and I see... a scar? I don't think it was there before I stepped foot into this academy. How did it get there? Oh well, I don't have time to care about that. I put the mirror back in my pocket, and now being fully awake, I glance around at my surroundings.

There are... metal plates? On the windows? What the hell? That's very... strange. I stand up and go over to them, and try to unscrew one of the bolts, but it won't budge an inch. I don't remember them being here from outside the academy... maybe it's just on this room, a window that I missed... Yes, that must be it. I walk back over to the desk I was sleeping on for some reason, and I saw a very cheap-looking pamphlet. I picked it up and read what was on it.

"A new semester has started! A revolutionary new world awaits you bastards inside these school walls." is was it said. Is this a joke? If it is, it's not very funny. I look up to a clock on one of the walls and look at the time. 8am? I got here at around 7:30, so half an hour has passed. What was I doing in that time? How did I faint? Did I trip over something? Did I faint of excitement or nervousness? Someone probably carried me here, and from what I believe, I'm somewhere inside Hope's Peak Academy. I really should go to the enterance hall now, everyone would be waiting. It's around the time of the opening ceremony.

I run out of the classroom, and into the creepy, purple-lighted hallway. I thought this school was supposed to bring hope and fortune, but it seems like the opposite. Creepy hallways, cheap hand-written pamphlets, what good things could it possibly have? I run down the hallway, and into the entrance hall. And when I entered... I saw 14 other people staring at me.

"Are you also a new student?" A girl with orange-blonde hair, tied in a side-ponytail asks me. Her eyes are almost the same colour, and the back of her hair is black. She looks around the same height as me and is wearing a pink hoodie, with red writing over the chest area, the writing saying "阿吽" on it. Under the hoodie she is wearing a blue shirt, and she is also wearing white shorts, with red sneakers.

"Yes..." I reply. I swear I've seen that girl's face somewhere before, I just forgot where. Aagh, this school is so weird!

"We were all supposed to start school here at Hope's Peak Academy today." another girl with white hair says. She's quite small. Her hair is left out and is slightly wavy, her eyes are a mix between red and pink. She has a pink ribbon on her hair, and her outfit is a cute blue dress, with a white apron. She isn't wearing any shoes... which is strange, due to this is a... school. Who wouldn't wear shoes to school?

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