Chapter 2 - (Ab)Normal Days

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Here I am, sitting at the table in the cafeteria with myself and the remaining twelve students. We just finished eating breakfast, and it was silent. Kano was the one who made the most noise and playfulness here... But now he was gone, it felt boring.

Ever since Kano's execution, Kido hasn't said a word. Her face has been pale, and she's been shaking all over. She completely lost the 'cool' vibe she was giving out, and now is more like a nervous wreck.

"Kano...." she whispers under her breath as crystal clear tears fall down her cheeks and onto the plate that she had just finished using for breakfast. 

We all look over to where she is with sad looks on our faces. Well... I think most of us do. Losing someone that important to them with only realising how important they were to us only at the last few minutes before a gruesome death of the other... would put anybody in this type of sadness.

"Don't worry, Kido..." Luna says as she gently pats Kido's back. "He got what he deserved... killing an innocent little girl like that" she says. What she said just made Kido feel worse, and quite angry at Luna. The look on her face told so for a few seconds, but then she just went back to what she was before.

"Luna, shut up!" I whisper-shout. "You're just making it worse for her!"

Luna stays silent and slides her hand off Kido's back, to where it was before, on the table.

"....That's better" I say to myself as I sigh. It's so quiet here. I just wish there was something amusing to do in this school of hell...

"Hey! I was looking around the first floor of the school before, and I saw that the stairwell that leads  to the second floor was open!" Momo tells us all in a happy-ish voice. Well... At least someone's cheerful.

I slowly nod my head in agreeance. "Let's explore, everyone..." I say as I stand up out of my chair, and to the doorway of the cafeteria. I raise my hand, signalling for people to follow me, yet only a few of them do. After Momo went to the door, the rest did aswell, and we all walked to the second floor of the school building.

Not to my surprise, we all split off in different directions when we got there. I checked out some of the classrooms first, but nothing interesting was there. They all looked like the classrooms on the first floor.

I slowly walk down the hallway trying to find another place to explore, before someone grabs my hand, and pulls be down the hallway.

"Ayano?" I ask. It looked like her surely. Her red scarf was an unique feature, and nobody else wore one. So, for sure, it was Ayano unless somebody stole her scarf and put it on themself, but I doubt that happened.

After a few seconds, Ayano looked back at me and smiled a little.

"All of the girls were planning to meet at the pool. We were about to tell you earlier, but you walked off to fast, and when we tried to look for you, we couldn't find you. So, we're taking you there now!" she says to me as she looks back to the front.

"Do you know where it is?" I ask her.

"Well... I was there before, I just decided to go looking for you. All the other girls are already there." she smiles as she looks back, once more.

Such a pretty smile...

We quickly reach a big, purple door with a sea anchor sign on it. As I raise my hand to open the door, Ayano lets go of my other hand and lets me open the door. But before I can do anything, the door is opened from the other side.

...And it's pushed towards me.

The door hits my body, and I slowly fall backwards, onto the floor. Surprisingly, I don't really feel any pain, even though I did fall onto a hard, tile floor.

"I'm... sorry" I hear a voice say from the right of me. And then I quickly start seeing people looking down at me.

They were the other girls, no doubt.

"Are you okay?" Takane asks.

"I'm so sorry for doing that!" Mary tells me. "I'm so clumsy!"

"I'm.... fine" I say to them as I slowly sit up straight. As much as that fall seemed, I actually feel okay.

Luna offers her hand out to help me to stand up, and of course, I take it. I stand up, and look around at my surrounds for a bit, making sure that I didn't bump my head or anything.

Mary looks like she's about to cry. No doubt, she was the one that opened the door.

"I'm okay, Mary" I say as I pat her head. "It was just an accident."

"Accidents happen, so don't feel down!" Momo says to her.

Mary smiles a little bit before turning around to the closed door, and before she opens it, Miyuki opens it for her.

As she holds the door all the way open, we slowly walk into the room. When I walk in, I see two doors, one pink, and one blue. I quickly walk over to the pink door, and try to open it.

"It's.... locked?" I ask, trying to open the door.

"Tsukiko, you need to use your Electronic Student ID Card to open the door" Kido tells me, seeming to be back to her usual self.

"Yeah, you do" Takane nods.

"So that's how it works..." I say as I reach into my pocket to get my Electronic Student ID card, I quickly stop as I hear a loud, familiar voice from behind me.

"Yes, that's how it works!" Monobear shouts out, after appearing out of nowhere.

Mary was so shocked that she almost fell down onto Ayano, but Ayano quickly catched her before she successfully could.

"Are you okay, Mary?" Ayano asks her.

"Yes, I'm fine..." Mary replies as Ayano helps her stand up straight again.

"First of all, when did you get there? You just appeared out of nowhere!" Luna shouts.

"I just got here!" Monobear replies.

As if that answer helped....

"To unlock the changing room's door, just swipe your Electronic Student ID Card in that card reader next to the door!" Monobear explains to us.

"To keep in mind that to keep perfect security on these changing rooms... Boys' Electronic Student ID cards can only open the boys' changing room... and girls' Electronic Student ID cards can only open the girls' changing room" he finishes.

"But what about if the door is still open to one of the rooms and someone of the opposite gender decides to enter the room?" Kido asks.

"We can be sure that one of that can happen!" Monobear states as he points to... a gun that was hanging on the ceiling. "You see that? That's their punishment! Tatatatatatatatatatata!"

"Is that thing real?" Takane asks.

"Of course it is!" Monobear snaps as the gun turns over, facing a rack with lots of pool equipment on it.

And it shoots it.

I block my ears as the gun's sounds are really loud, and I look around. The other people are doing the same, who would want to hear that awful noise?

"See? It's real!" Monobear says as the gun stops shooting the bullets. We all slowly uncover our ears, but I think a certain person did it before all of us could.

"Someone might die if you shoot that at them!" Momo shouts.

"....Momo, I think that's what it's meant to do" Takane says.

"What would happen if someone borrowed another persons ID Card? If a boy borrowed a girl's card, then he'd be able to enter the girls' changing, room, no?" Kido asks.

"I didn't think of that..." Monobear says. "What about this? I'll add a prohibition on lending Student Electronic ID Cards to other students in the school rules!"

"That means you won't be able to lend your cards to anyone else!" Monobear tells us. "I'm such a genius, aren't I?"

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