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Within the period where there was not cold or storms, some ashes was burning in flames again giving life to the legendary fire's bird, thanks to the heat emitted by Moltres it was no longer necessary for Ho-oh stay on the planet so Ho-oh was dedicated to take care the sun.

The birds were flying around the planet making rotate the earth and creating four seasons; Spring (Moltres), Summer and Autumn (Zapdos) and Winter (Articuno), the season's change favored the nature's control.

No one titans knew of the existence of other titans because each bird was flying a longer distances from each others, until for destiny motives the birds collided, Articuno was creating snow and ice but after the ice was melted by Moltres and Zapdos with the rain extinguished the fire.

The three birds hated each other and they started a thumping battle, they paused the earth to attack each other With flames, thunders and blizzards.

Nature began to break apart, the sky, the seas and the lands was attacked for natural phenomena, all was catastrophe This would be the end of the world if...

Creation Of The Pokemon UniverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon