Dear Parents

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Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect child you want. I'm sorry I spend so much time on my phone. I'm sorry I always forget to unload the dishwasher. I'm sorry I listen to weird music. I'm sorry I never leave my room. I'm sorry I watch "weird Japanese cartoons". I'm sorry I still play video games even though you think they are childish. I'm sorry I make you stay up to study for a test with me. I'm sorry I always make you go buy me apple juice. I'm sorry I always need help with my math homework. I'm sorry I fake asleep at night so when you come in my room it doesn't look like I'm on my phone. I'm sorry I play my trumpet so loud. I'm sorry I never practice my harp. I'm sorry I dress kinda weird.

Thank you for driving me to school everyday. Thank you for listening to me tell some story from school I can tell you don't care about. Thank you for letting me sing in the car. Thank you for showing me your music. Thank you for buying the Miles Davis record. Thank you for helping me with my math homework. Thank you for buying us food everyday. Thank you for doing my laundry. Thank you for letting me take music lessons. Thank you for watching tv with me every Friday night. Thank you for calling me while I sleep to get me to watch the tv segment I like every Monday. Thank you for giving me so many great privileges. Thank you for buying me so many hats. Thank you for letting me do swimming when I wasn't at first. Thank you for not caring that I'm not great at sports. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I love you too. Thank you Mom. Thank you Dad.

Love your daughter,
Eleanor Jane

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