Somebody I wish I could meet

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Dear Abraham Lincoln,

You are my historical super hero. I've always admired how you came up and became the head of a brand new party and debated one of the most popular people in the country about his own bill, even though you lost and didn't get senate and you ended up beating out the guy for president and then trying to keep peace during the civil war and still getting stuff done.  

Everyone thinks of you as the president during the civil but you were more. You basically were as you nickname said, Honest Abe, you were incredibly honest and went and returned someone 12 cents after you gave the wrong change when you were a teen. You came from humble beginnings and ended up as one of the most well known American historical figures. I want to be someone who is can go make someone look up to me and you certainly haver made me. 

It kinda sucks you were assassinated but thats ok, you made a legacy and they caught your assassinator too. But hey, you saved our country, I wouldn't live this life today if not for you. Thanks man. 

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