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thank you to this beautiful human being for tagging me, ily man ♡ anoyment
r u l e s:
-if tagged must post 13 facts about yourself.
-put in 13 more questions you want others to answer.
-answer all the questions tagged in.
-must be done in 3 weeks.
-have fun ♡
1 3  f a c t s:

1; honestly, i may be this awkward and sweet girl at first, but once i get to know you better, i'll be this crazy and weird human being that tells you cheesy pick up lines and dirty jokes. im lame, i know-

2; at first, i wasn't really a big fan of kpop, all i know was snsd and big bang, but then exo and bts came into my life and now im in the fandom too deep to get out of it :")

3; bts had came into my country once but back then i didn't know who they were so i missed the opportunity to meet them, i cri-

4; almost all the girl i know in my grade knows about bts, but there's this one girl who insulted and made fun of them, but after she knows that most people are fine with them, she pretends to be a fan? like pls gtfo, the door's right there.

5; i hate being stared by people, it just feels like they're silently judging me. that's why i hate performing, im afraid that i'll mess up badly and get judged by it for the rest of who's know when will they forget.

6; this upperclassman suddenly got my contact and start talking to me. he calls me bae now and flirts with me and such but he's a fuckboy and talks to every girl like that so stfu pls :)

7; i love emoticons and emojis, they're just so cute and describe my reaction perfectly. ฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)♡

8; one time, on summer break, i almost forgot how to spell 50% of my vocabulary. i spelt english as inglish, sitting as seatting, and typed; he lived me wtf (leaved)

9; i feel like im gonna get a 20ish on my math test cause i can't do it AT ALL but 3/4 of the people in my grade can't do it too so i have someone to accompany me. yay, maths!

10; i'm a smol smol bean, '03 liner aye.

11; first time seeing bts was in the dope mv and my reaction to jungkook was: HOLY FUDGE WHO IS THIS HOT GUY IN THE POLICE OUTFIT, HE'S SO AKDHAKDBAL I NEED TO KNOW HIS NAME. and that's the start of how i became bts trash-

12; i went to this wedding last week, and my cousin was married to a korean girl. the girl's parents were wearing traditional korean clothes and speaking korean so i was like: YES, YES, I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SPEAKING, I CAN SPEAK KOREAN TOO; ANNYEONGHASEYO, SARANGHAE, PABO, KIMBAB, BULGOGI!!! mentally ofc.

13; it was jhope's birthday and so i wrote the date and put (HOPE'S BIRTHDAY ♡) in every single note, exercises, and quizzes i did.

are these even facts i-
/cues seventeen and ailee's q & a

1. what song describes your life right now?
- 4minute's hate cause i legit hate everybody in my class rn, they're so annoying somebody pls save me.

2. what made you interested in bts?
- at first when i saw dope i was in love with they're choreography, it looks so complicated, cool and asdfghjkl. their songs was hella catchy too so i checked out more songs from them. then, i watched them on rookie king and fell in love with their goofy personality, their idiocy, and of course, their english lmao. INFIRES.

3.  what's your favorite album out of your favorite k-pop group and why?
- definitely the most beautiful moment in life pt.2 , some songs made me dance crazily because of their beat and some just makes me cry in a corner by their angelic voices, you feel me? and the lyrics are inspirational af.

4. what made you come on wattpad?
- i was a huge 5sos fan back then and i saw that someone on instagram mentioned a fanfic they made on wattpad, so i installed the app and boom.

5. what is your most craziest dream?
- my friends and i were at this party, my best friend was drunk and she apparently ate a hamster.

6. what songs from each bts album do you love most?
- O!RUL8,2 : N.O
  school luv affair : just one day
  dark and wild: war of hormone
  wake up: no more dream japanese ver
  TMBMIL pt.1: hold me tight
  TMBMIL pt.2: whalien 52
(idk if this is what you mean so-)

7. favorite fanfictions?
- i have a lot omg, but call me dr.park, and to learn to love is the best. seven is hella good too.

8. favorite drink?

9. favorite type of shoes?
- #teamadidas

10. where in korea do you want to visit most?
- seoul, i'm basic.

11. nintendo or wii?
- nintendo cause childhood :")

12. talents?
- sleeping.

13. who do you idolize?
-  legit every member from seventeen. stan talent, stan seventeen.
q u e s t i o n s:

1. who's your ultimate bias? why?

2. fandoms?

3. how did you find out about kpop and what was your first reaction of it?

4. how long have you been in wattpad?

5. closest amigo here in wattpad?

6. what do you want to do as a living in the future?

7. ideal hair color?

8. most traumatic experience?

9. if you could choose whoever you want to be in your next life, who would you be?

10. favorite social media?

11. america's next president? (im running out of questions i-)

12. an artist that was born the same year as you? (is it even a question-)

13. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
i'm a lonely whale so im just gonna tag whoever i know.

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