Chapter 10: They're in my pocket.

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You either make good decisions
Or make your decisions good. ~Anonymous.
My head was clouded with thoughts. Just like how your television screen would be if there's a low signal.

Should I tell him or not?

Billy: Maybe you should, Chad.

No. But if I don't, it wouldn't be fair.

I buried my head in my hands as I sat up on my bed.

I glanced at the alarm clock: 2:43 am.

I shouldn't have seen that video.

Billy: But you are his friend right?


Billy: I mean, you do –

No, Billy. Just no.

I could hear the wall clock ticking every second and it was starting to get me paranoid.

I snatched my phone from the bed and called Brad.

After five long rings, he picked up.

"Are you sleeping?" I asked.

"No, I'm skydiving." I heard a strained voice. His voice was so weak, I couldn't even recognize it.

"Meet me tomorrow after school. I... Have something to show you. And try getting some sleep."

Billy: Sure, "try getting some sleep". Says the guy who stayed up till 3 am debating on –

Billy, not now. Get out of my head. I'll ignore you later.

"I'm trying to get sleep, Chad. I reported my parents missing and they've told me to wait for twenty-four hours while they search." I could almost hear the tears.


"Don't you remember anything before you came to my house? Why on earth did you come to my house anyway?"

"I honestly have no idea. Probably because I knew you were the only person stupid enough to leave their front door unlocked."

Billy: I told you so.

"I know it's hard, Brad. But get some sleep."

I was about to cut the phone before I heard Brad's voice say, "You don't know shit, Brad. I have no idea where on earth my parents are and I'm getting flashes of memory that a black-caped figure put my mom in... you know what? Never mind. I'm not meeting anyone tomorrow." His voice broke down but he controlled the weakness in it.

Well, tried to.

"I know what happened to your parents," I said and I cut the line.

Billy: Seriously? That is how you end a serious conversation?

Screw it, Billy. I'm going to get some sleep.

My eyes slowly closed, but I didn't sleep peacefully.



I groaned, throwing the alarm across my room – probably breaking it.

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