Chapter 14: I call dibs on the window seat!

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"Chase down your passion like its the last bus of the night." ~Terri Guillemets


"You didn't sleep, did you?"

"Huh?" I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes that were dying to go back down.

"You have drool on your guitar." He screwed up his face in disgust.

I couldn't care less, so my eyes fell back down.

Suddenly, I felt my guitar being jerked away from me like it was the last piece of French fry on the plate.

"OI, THAT IS MY GUITAR, YOU –" I started, wide awake but stopped as soon as I saw Brad holding my guitar.

"What do you want?" I asked, taking my guitar back from him and putting it back into my case.

"It's morning. We have to go get a bus ride. I think the nearest bus stop is Grey Hound which would take us from Utah to Las Vegas."

I was done packing my guitar case now and I turned around to see him.

"Okay, then let's go?" I looked around to see a few people coming in for breakfast.

My sleepy eyes scanned the room and with much difficulty, I found Paul.

"Thanks a lot, Paul." I said again, putting my hand out for a shake.

He just took it and pulled me into a hug.

"Come back soon, Cheesy. And bring Baby Brad along with you." I chuckled at the nicknames.

"Sure." I said, breaking the bro hug as I went towards the exit, with Brad following me – trying so hard not to be seen by the grannies again.

"Ugh, isn't he the annoying guitarist from yesterday? Thank god he's leaving, my ears need a break." I heard a high pitched nasal voice as I was about to walk out.

I turned around and approached her table. She was curling her blonde hair and she sipped on Coke and was blabbing off to some other girl.

I went behind her chair and picked up her glass of Coke from her hands. In three swift gulps, I drank it all.

"Sweetie, this is my cup of care. Oh look! It's empty." With that, I put the glass down on her table and went out.

Paul won't mind.

Billy: Sure. You just insulted his customer.

No, I was just saying the truth.

"How long is the walk to Grey Hound bus stop?" I asked.

"A few miles, I guess. The bus comes there every one hour so let's jog." He said.

Yeah, jogging would also make up for that exercise I lacked in these few days.

"Are you sure you can jog? I mean your leg and the cuts..." I trailed off, scanning him.

"I didn't break any bones. They're just cuts." He shrugged.

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