Caught- Tethered

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  Authors note:

This is a short chapter room for more in the next !! XX

Books gonna go to 15 chapters or more and be complete!!!

I have the ending in my head.. ready :D  








       My eyes wide with fear  I struggled to get out of his grip, I bit my lip drawing blood as I stood up straight. My fist flew out slamming into one of there faces they fell back as I made a run for it. My feet  stomped on the slippery ground as I turned a corner.

I saw a huge tree and ducked behind it. My chest caved in and out as I squeezed my eyes closed. Hoping this was all a dream.

I looked around hoping for anywhere to hide or run. My blue eyes found the orange and pink sun casacding accross the sky, My breath showing its self in the air in quick pants. One tear fell from my eyes, I wish I had a family there for me. I wish that I had some sort of support., Someone to tell my now worst fears to.

I wish I didn't feel alone, I watched as a bird with white wings flapped into the sunset, leaving the sweetmusic of its cawing.  I actually felt at home until I snapped back to reality realizing two men were after me. They wouldn't stop until they got to me.

"Split up". I heard one of them say. I squeezed my eyes short sending a silent prayer, hoping that they wouldn't fine me.

  The thing is that   I wanted to run away from the cops. But I ended up getting myself in even more danger. I sighed but then let out a panicked scream as I felt my hair being tugged. I fell face first into the pavement blood splattered out of my nose and onto the chilled gravel. I was surprised that I didn't have a broken nose'. 

I looked up at Antonia and Sam as they both looked down on me.

"So you tried to go to the police?" He asked his accent thick. 

     I bit my blood covered lip as I sat up , "And you try to hit em in the face yea?" I didn't know what they were about to do and I didn't want to find out. I stood up my chin held high

. "What do you want from me?' I tried to control my anger while facing the men who raped me.

"Why wont you just let me go."

Tears sprinkled down my cheeks as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

They didn't answer me as they caught each others eyes, a smile spread on both of there faces as they reached for me. My scream echoed in the woods as I let out one last pant and quickly watch as a thick horned branch slammed into my head. As I tumbled to the ground, I hit my shoulder hard, My eyes got heavy.

 I did not see that coming.

Just as my eyes were about to close, I couldve swore I saw a lady in a white hat and shawl. 


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